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Excited about Galacticon 3!!!

So I'm rewatching the new series again, hadn't watched it since my last deployment.  Of course I can't get enough of it.  Looks like Blood and Chrome would be a good birthday present.  So I'm getting pumped about Galacticon.  Haven't been to a convention since I was in highschool and am kind of pumped about this one.  Hopfully the army doesn't have plans for me...then I only have to decide on flying or driving, gold or silver, and costume or no costume.

Looking forward to meeting people to discuss costume designs, vendors and chit chat about sci fi.  Particularly Battlestar Galactica.


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Fit for duty


As a new member, I face several new chances...

1)a new year

2)a new command

3)making new friends

4)making a new start

I am a veteran, from yahrens ago.  I also have some health problems.  "What would Starbuck do"??  In the opening scenes of the nu-BSG, Starbuck is seen running, in various other episodes, even in the brig, she exercises.  We love the shows, we do charity work, raise funds , why not integrate some work-outs into our daily routines??  Starbuck/Katee could be a model of "Fit for Duty".  I dont believe in resolutions, but I do in 'new starts'!!

Hope to hear other ideas, viewpoints/suggestions!!!

In Service and Strength,

caprica77/Mark brian rouland

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Raven Convention Items For 2013

Well, some of Battlestar Raven's Convention items came in.  I cannot really complain. They came out pretty darn good. :-)

The first one is the Raven's 1st  ever convention banner 3 x 6 feet in size:




The second one that came in is the Raven's buttons/pins.  This is the front part of it:




This is the side of the buttons/pins and contains the following URL you see on them:




There are a couple more items that has not come in yet...When I get them, I will post pictures of those items.


In Service,

Cherry "DragonLady"

BFC Deputy Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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A little late, but...  Happy NovaYahren, everyone!  I hope and trust that everyone had fun and stayed safe this past weekend, because I sure didn't.  Believe it or not, I spent last Thurdsay through today in the LifeStation (hospital) with the FLU!!  Yep, you read it right...The flu!!  Talk about spoiling my holiday!  Frak!!  I only got home about 5 hours ago and took a nap.  Still groggy from the meds, but I wanted to get my well-wishes in while I'm still lucid enough to state them.  Will talk again soon... Warrior.

P.S. - Roger, I saw your message, and I will get back to you soon. so please forgive me for a late reply...

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