Hi Everyone,
First of all, I would like to say that I'm posting this story on the behalf of Christian MacIntyre a member of my squadron.
This is how the Cylon sneak attack unfolded last night on FaceBook. My pilot Ensign Christian "Paladin Gunslinger" MacIntyre doesn't have a computer at home. He has to use a computer at the Public Library. This didn't stop him last night though. He used his cell phone to get in on the battle. His account sounds as if he took on the whole Cylon Fleet single handed while kicking some serious chrome butt in the process.
I'm very proud to have Christian as a member of the Flying Tiger's squadron aboard the Raven. He's working on his Viper training and he tells me, next week he's going to send his exam to Admiral Rivera to be graded. I think "Paladin Gunslinger" has what it takes to become the next "Top Gun" pilot of the Flying Tiger's and the Battlestar Raven!!!!!!!
Lt Jg Roger "Reamer" Barstow
Flying Tiger's Squadron Leader
Battlestar Raven BFC-002


A number of Cylon fighters and bombers have jumped into our space! Positive Shields!! Helm, turn into the wind! CAG, you have the green light for launch!! Lets get some Raptors to hover at the launch and landing bays to protect them from kamikazes!! MARDET, ensure the boarding party repelling teams are on point! This is NOT a drill!! I repeat, this is NOT a drill!!

**XO Out**
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