What's Your Call Sign?

When a Colonial Fleet pilot is assigned a call sign—often inspired by a particular incident, joke, personality trait or military aspiration—the nickname usually sticks for the rest of his or her career...  for better or for worse! Our favorites from the show include "Hiccup" and "Toothbrush," and we love how Adama's "Husker" sounds appropriately grizzled and world-weary...

Ready to find out yours?




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  • Your call sign name is... "Ramen"

    Do you ever stop noshing on noodles?


    Funny thing is this is my con name. heh! I think I like it better than Guppy; I might even change that to my callsign for the CDF.

  • "Supernova"

    -- You have a great fondness for blowing things up.

  • Your call sign name is... "Space Bat"
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