What we are


I felt I should say this to all of you.

This association is based upon very sound human principles aside from our collective love of Battlestar Galatica.

In our association world wide, we have no barriers.

It does not matter what color you are, what sex you are, what religon you believe in, your political views, your nationality, your sexual orientation, your disability, what country you reside in...none of that is relevent.

We are brothers & sisters under the same credo & belief....we are one by virtue of a common passion.

We are united, we are stong & we will continue to be strong.

Our fundamental strength, the strength of the Battlestar Fan Club...the Battlestar GALACTICA fan club...is all of you.

You are all the bedrock, you are the foundation, you are the diversity that makes a common us.

YOUR energy fuels us & moves us forward & we have great faith in that & in you.

Not for one minute, not for one second do we take our eyes off the fact that all of you make the difference.

I could become very melodramatic & say you are all "The wind beneath or wings" but essentially that is the case.

YOU lift us, you propel us, you make the fan club.

You are our most vital strength.

I wanted to say two things in all this....that we are ever embracing & that you make the difference...

As Stan "the man" Lee likes to say...

"Nuff said"

So say we all!

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  • Strong words you write my dear friend. I stumbled upon this message before, but at the time, i didn't had the energy to react properly.


    It is almost hard to add anything to your words.  It is what you say, that we have to embrase the most.


    Melodramatic is a good word in the Battlestar Galactica universe.......

    Melo = "The higher flow" that streams through Battlestar Galactica, from the wonderfull beginning to the stunning end.    Dramatic =  "The Family", that binds us all together. 


    More people have to see the show and see it's greatness.     So say we all. !!

  • so say we all
  • So say we all Shawn !
  • Couldn't have said it better myself, my friend.

    I encourage all who read this to take these words to heart and not skim through this message but read it

    and ponder it carefully.

    Seems so obvious but so true, how can we have a club without members. LOL!


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