Veterans Day Message 2014


Colonials and to all Members of Battlestar Raven and Raven Friends and Family Circle,

I just wanted to quickly take my time to welcome all our news members here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club!

Second, I know we have a lot of Battlestar Galactica Fans especially Battlestar Raven members out there,  that are either a veteran of the military or still currently serving.  My husband and I just wanted to take our time to wish each and everyone of you,  HAPPY VETERANS DAY!  THANK YOU for serving and or having served!  But Veterans Day is also a time to remember those who lost their lives serving this country.  So to those who courageously gave their lives.....THANK YOU!  You maybe gone, but you will NEVER be forgotten!  A lot of us wear different uniforms representing our respective branch of the military. But in the end, regardless of the difference in the unifrom we all wear, we are all brothers and sisters at arms doing the same job....and that is PROTECTING the very foundation of which this country was founded on and the freedom we all so much enjoy!

So when you are walking around wherever you maybe going, if and when you see a veteran, THANK THEM for their service!  Those words may mean little to some people but for those veterans, they mean EVERYTHING to them!!!!


In Service,

Raven Actual- USAF ( still currently serving )

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