Raven Members and Friends,
I hear a lot of talk from the Raven Pilots here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and on facebook! :-) So here is the deal and also for you all wannabes TOP GUN. The TOP GUN section of the Raven went live yesterday night, after I made a few adjustments and add ons on the Raven website. Let us see what you got or are you all just talk.....Remember, folks whose name is engrave on that TOP GUN Wall on the Raven, are the BEST OF THE BEST! Not some half cock newbie that wants to make a name for his or herself and cannot even identify what the proper target is. Only the best pilots in the fleet will earn the title TOP GUN: DEFENDER OF THE FLEET and the guardians of Battlestar Raven against those frakking toasters.
So, who wants to be a TOP GUN Pilot......EARN YOUR RIGHT TO HAVE YOUR NAME ENGRAVE ON THIS WALL and earn this TOP GUN PATCH. This is my challenge to you...........
I have not quite gotten all the names on the TOP GUN Wall yet, but I will here shortly.....
Captain Keith "Leonidas" Ranson, gather up all your new nuggets and see who makes the cut......
Raven Actual
P.S. Now, I am going to finish my lunch :-)