Fellow Colonials!
I wanted to take a moment and wish all you and your Families a joyous Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016! It is an exciting time for us all as we celebrate the end of fantastic year and embrace a new one. I want all of you to spend time with your families and friends. Especially those Families who have members around the globe serving in the Armed Forces. We all make sacrifices everyday those men and women serving in the Military, Police, Fire Dept, Doctors, Nurses, EMS Tech and the list goes on do also! Please take time to say thank you to them all b/c it is the right thing to do. More importantly it shows them all we care about the job they do every single day. I thank you all for being part of something bigger then all of us in this world. I ask if you can and wish too share. Please post your Christmas photos here, Share a short story of you paying it forward....I am sure others here would love to hear or see how much fun folks are having!
In addition we as a Sci Fi Community have come far and the journey is still fresh. For all us who have been around and new members who continue to join us in this adventure we call Battlestar Galactica! It is a proud legacy and each day i find myself talking to perspective new members as well as just engaging fans on other different topics of Sci Fi all which eventually lead back to Battlestar Galactica! As the new year comes around the corner please be on the look out for my messages and release of many SOPs which will provide guidance and ensure conformity. As many of us are also part of other communities such as Colonial Defense Forces, Colonial Cylon Alliance and the community we serve here Battlestar Fan Club. It's a reminder that WE as fans have what i call extensive Colonial Memberships in various communities. Though at times we may find it a bit tough to be everywhere at the same time i know WE try like hell to make it happen. I have been blessed and honored to be part of all the different communities and having met in person numerous members whom i have come to call friends. You all know who you are. Not to worry i will do my best to get out and visit more Conventions to meet more of you. It is because of you ALL that continue to become more than i am. I personally thank you here in the BFC, CDF and the CCA.
In closing please enjoy the art work i created for all of you to enjoy and pass around or post and share. As we close out this year let's be thankful for all we have and be blessed to share with others who are less fortunate. Please be safe out there wherever you are as winter is here already and bad weather can hit literally without warning as we have seen this year with the massive floodings. Members of the Fleet! 2016 will be a grand year for us as i begin our journey to growing a bigger Fleet, More Members, Adventure, RPGs, Contests and more. Thank you all for your constant support God Bless you all no matter where in the world you. Please feel free to comment below...~Salutes!~
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to Everyone.
Merry Christmas, Happy holidays and the lot to all! For the holidays my grandparents and aunt flew out for a week or so. Today I took my aunt and went to the Star Wars movie for a third time. Yesterday our family took them out for dinner. Here's the only picture of all of us in the same picture I can find.
((I'm the young scrub on the left side))
Ens. Sangrey
Awesome you got the pens! Your husband snagged one up huh no surprise there nice looking pens. I rushed it b/c i also placed a bunch of other gifts to friends across the globe and i figured i am rushing one might as well send them all that way. No worries i assure you. As long as you got it i am happy!
Ensign Willis! Cool family photo very nice thanks for sharing.
As promised below you will enjoy a photo of the family dogs with Santa at Petco. Enjoy and post any photo or stories you like to share here for other members to check out. Be safe out there.
Merry Christmas to you and your family as well Admiral Rivera! I have been so busy that I have not had the chance to tell you that I got those sourvenirs that you got for me on your recent vacation trip to Las Vegas right...You did not have to send it via Express Mail and spend that much money sending it to me. Regular mail would have suffice. I greatly appreciate it though. My husband already snag one of the pens so he can use it as a spare pen LOL. ;-) :-) I guess he like it was well. :-)
You take care now and be safe!
~Raven Actual ( Little Sister ;-) )
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Good hunting in 2016. So say we ALL!
Commanding Spuds Technician For The Battlestar Raven
The Same To You And Yours,Admiral; So say we all!