The New Raven Colonial Marine Patch


Raven Marines,

I just wanted to quickly post this to let everyone know, the RAVEN COLONIAL MARINE PATCHES are in!  Like I said when I agree to take on this position and learn more about how you do things in the science ficition world as I am new to this, I told myself that if I am going to do something like this, I vowed to make the Raven Marines unique and different.  And this is JUST one of the ways I will do it.  Uniformity WILL BE maintained within the Raven Colonial Marine Ranks but at the same time, we are different amongst the other Colonial Marines Detachment out there amongts the other Battlestar Chapters.  That is why WE ARE THE RAVEN COLONIAL MARINES!  WE think outside the box!  Unless the Commander tells me otherwise ( ONLY SHE CAN DO IT ), I will continue to make us unique towards becoming the best one out there!  I mean after all, I was told that this is all for fun.  And fun it will be!

There will be more new things to come for the Raven Colonial Marines including the long awaited Raven Marine Tactical Manual!  As stated before, that manual will ONLY be exclusive to actual deserving Raven Colonial Marine Members and select individuals within the Raven.  Why I chose to do this in this manner, it is because a lot of hard work was put into this manual by both me and the Commander so we want to make sure that deserving individuals   ( active members ) who contributed a lot to the Raven, gets it as a reward. And I believe that is a fair thing to do.  So far, real life responsibilities has been getting on the way but we are still moving along with many new things being put into play.  

Have a great weekend and SEMPER FI!

In Service,

-Raven Marine OIC

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