
I come to you all with a personal tale that I think personally sums up my involvement & my take on the whole Battlestar Galactica "movement".

How I have lent to it....& how it has lent to me.

But more importantly, how it has affected you all.

Basically, it seems to me that as intertwined as I am with it, so are all of you...for love of the show of course, the drama & the action....the storyline & the nobility overall...BUT, since we all share the passion, I think there is a fundamental at work.

Something I've always said, it is just so much more than a show...what brings us all together is a sense of community & rightness....which I think is much more important.

But I think I can explain further...derived from my own experience & perhaps it might bear some relevence on your own.

My story in brief....I was born in the great state of Texas (Yeah, I can hear all you folks from Texas clapping...not for me...for Texas!) ;-)

Not so simple....I was a little unlike most kids born in the state at that time....I don't mean time like waaaaayyy back either, but in that time.

Anyway, interesting lineage...I talk about it even now because it is part of me, but I'll explain further.

My Mother was pretty basic, she was German...not from Germany....but her Grandparents were...all German.

Simple eh?

Papa was a bit....err, different.

A looonnnggg time ago, there were some Irish that decided they had enough of the Emerald Isle & went to Spain....we ARE talking on the order of 500 years ago btw.....& gradually that line became Spanish.

So you had the interesting aspect of Jose O'Donnell's & Juan O'Donnell's popping up.

Most famously or infamously a relative of mine, Leopoldo O'Donnell was Prime Minister of Spain...12578021252?profile=originalthree times...explain that!

For better reference...please refer to a cousin....somewhere down the line in Argentina, Buenos Aries to be exact & check out Mario "Pacho" O'Donnell...someone who I'm better served to say I'm related to.



Anyway, back in the day....when the Spanish ruled Morrocco (yes, that would be in North Africa) by Great-Grandfather, all Spanish & faux Irish decided that he was in love with one of the "flowers of the desert"...needless to say, that was Great-Grand ma-ma.

Not being favored in the circles in Spain at the time (A Spaniard & an Arab Women were frowned upon), remember this is like....waaaay back...ok?

So off they went to the ancestral homeland...you guessed it...Ireland...to plant anew...and they did...and a plenty.

My Grandfather came from a brood of 7 & was the only sibling to cross the pond & make his way in America.

To bring you up to date this was 1905.

Truly, I shit you not.

My Grandfather came through Ellis Island, live in New York in the tenaments & slums of the time...and what did he do?

He opted to go to Texas and make his way!

Who did he marry when he got there (nor right away of course), but a Native American Woman....oh yeah, full blood Commanche as a matter of fact...that would Grandma.

Ok, so you have the lineage in place....what makes me...well, me at least, well biologically speaking.

Fast forward to modern times (LOL)...at least to the relative 20th century....now there I was, a very confused little boy....I had NO idea what my lineage meant....what, exactly was I?

And  you think Cylon-Human hybrids have it tough, huh?

As in all things, sometimes an outside source is the best advice.

Somebody changed my life at an early age & helped me define things....and trust me this goes back to the whole Arrow of Apollo thing & the Warrior thing and all that....so bear with me!

A man named William Red Fox 12578021867?profile=originalcame to my school....Native American who was there to show the kids what an "Indian" was all about...not what the westerns said either.

I talked to him afterwords...ok bear in mind something...he WAS 105 when I met him, ok?

I then proceeded to talk to him more...and he became something of a guiding light to me, he made me understand things about myself & the world that I didn't know....and I carry his wisdom with me.

William Red Fox...yep, I was his "Padawan" & he was my "Yoda"...William Red Fox of the Lakota....Takalu Luta was his real name...he traveled with "Buffalo Bill" Cody back in the old days btw...THE Buffalo Bill.

Guess who is Uncle was...a man called Tasunke Witko....you all know him as Crazy Horse.12578021901?profile=original

Here are the things that Red Fox taught me...whoever you are, that is what you are & rejoice in that & celebrate your life...all who live upon this earth are your brothers & your sisters....you must live life like a warrior, be it in battle or at peace, you must make a stand....your life has a destination & you determine it, but it has been written.

Your breath these & then you will define yourself.

So I wind this up this tale with....so how does that tie into Battlestar?

Well I will tell you this...I found a true warrior in Richard Hatch...which is where I found all of this, a man willing to take a stand...I think a man brave enough to weather all of this tribulations in trying to get this great theme back on it's feet & rolling for the benefit of all others deserved my humble assistance.

That is called "Making A Stand".

I humbly submit, Battlestar Galactica would NOT be where it is today without Richard...who I can proudly call my friend & fellow Warrior.

Embrace the community of your peers & know they support you....yah, you are all a bunch of BSG fans, yadda yadda...but that's a GOOD thing!

You have bound yourselves together...across national lines, across racial lines, across religous lines...across EVERY line to come together & speak with one voice.

OK, so now you have the way of the Warrior, no? Now to the Arrow of Apollo....I received this gift in Denver, Colorado last month & as a symbol it is profound & means a lot to me...it truly expresses what we are about & what we strive for ...it is in reality the spear point of the warrior.

I swear to you all that I will carry this forward in everyone's name!


I think the world of you all...let's keep trekkin' (or Battlestarin') & keep this frakker' going...it's up to us...Let's stand together!

Battlestar yesterday, Battlestar today, Battlestar tomorrow....Battlestar Galactica Forever!

So Say We All!

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