Super busy month

I  know I  havent  been  active  alot  as  of late  had super  busy month  here in October  with  a few  family  events  ie;  birthdays and  my  own  wedding  anniversary. I  am  hoping  to  have  my  BSG  blue  uniform by  nov  12  for EastGate  comic con  in  greensboro  NC along w ith  my  tags   and   all that I  need. Fingers  crossed  that happens. Debating on  weather or  not to  get Lee's  tags  or Captain  Agathon's. will  see  what  happens  there.

I  will  get  pictures  from  EastGate  if I  go.  Depends on what I  have  going on here at that time and  if I  can  get  the  time  off  from  that   for the  day. its only  a  One  day  con  so  we will see.More information  forth coming  as date  gets closer.

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  • DragonLady002: I  am not  going to  be able to  go to  eastgate  con  this  weekend  as  my  husband  has a  war hammer  40k  game  he   has  to  be  at  since its a   team  tournament 

  • Erika,

     We look forward to seeing those photos. 

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