Return frome absence return to duty.

Hello Colonials,

        I have not been here in quite awhile and i value my privacy like many of you do.  Its been and still is a crazy year with all the COVID going and a race for a vaccine.  I am sure Some companies will rush in order to get the big money contract that goes with finding a vaccine.  I hope they find one that works and helps keep everyone safe.  Over the last few months i have been bogged down with working long hours.  I have made some changes to my life schedule in order to hopefully get some Sci Fi fun in and going steadily again.

       Keep the FAITH and hopefully all will go back to some kind or normalcy in the months to come leading back to all conventions being made available to the public.  I am keeping my fingers cross b/c conventions are a great to meet people and have lots of fun with fellow FANS!  I will be posting a NEW Mission Sortie on the BFC FB and Raven Airwing FB Soon.  Pass on to fellow Pilots they exams are still available for being qualified and for fun.  I have not seen any exams submitted in quite some time.  Its my sincere hope all of you will join and please whatever get posted on FB please share here as well.  Be safe everyone and take care of yourselves best way you can.

Best Regards,

FADM Rivera, M.A.(CF)

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  • Ensign Doran,  I replied to your email thanks for reaching out.

  • Hello Ted,  Please send me an email to and i will email it to you.  Sorry for the delay always best to leave a message in my in box or send me an email i check it every other when i get home from work.

  • Sad things is all Pharma companies in the race to get a vaccine is about the money as well.  Hopefully they get a vaccine the way it suppose to work vice causing more problems.

  • Truth be Told,Admiral, A Vaccine won't be ready until next year.

  • FYI... I could not get either link to the exams to work... error message page not found.



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