Rest in peace George Murdock

On April 30th, George Murdock....Dr. Selik from the original Battlestar Galactica, passed away.

He was our guest on the Galacticruise event in 2008 & I can personally tell you that you could never meet a nicer person.

His time on Earth enriched us with his talent, he enriched us with his humanity.

At the end of the cruise I spoke with him & told him what a wonderful guest he was & that Hollywood should be baying for his talent.....he answered simply with "From your lips to God's ear" & gave me a big hug.

He had many years in Hollywood & added so much to our culture, undying & enduring.

God bless you George, may the Lords of Kobol see you to your destination....

Good-bye brother....


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  • This is what Richard Hatch said on his FB page:

    Richard Hatch
    Hey George Murdock, my friend and fellow actor and co-hort, we will all miss you!! Have a beautiful journey home. You have much to be proud of and your work as an actor over the past several decades speaks for itself. Your passion and commitment to the craft made your performances indelible and unforgetable! Would love to have worked with you again but I'm sure all will make sense in the end when we wake up to our true selves in the tapestry of eternity. Sending you and yours all the very best!! So Say We All!!
  • Suffice To Say He'll Be Sharing Diagnoses With DeForrest Kelly In That Great Sickbay In The Sky! RIP. So Say We All. 

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