Recognizing one of own in the Fleet!

Fellow Colonials,

                Today is about recognizing one of our own.  It is never easy to attend a convention and set up a table unless one particular person has deep pockets and always picking up the cost of the convention table for the 3 days there.  As a fan club it takes a group of people to get together and chip in the money to purchase the table in order for the BSG Chapter to attend and represent the Battlestar Fan Club there.  Depending the convention you are wanting to do with your chapter the cost can be $250 upwards of $500 not everyone can afford to spend that much.  Even some chapter members who want to do a convention at times simply cannot afford to go and represent their ship and Battlestar Fan Club. However there are a few who do the very best they can with what they have and go for broke because opportunities not taken are opportunities missed.  I am grateful to every single member here that takes a leap of faith and steps into the unknown only to learn from the initial experience.  Experience that helps them prepare for the next event and so on.  Every experience no matter how small or big helps elevate one in to a better appreciation and understanding what it takes to set up a convention table and talk to people they never met before.   If you ever have questions about setting up a table or on how to reach out and talk to people always feel free to contact me or another chapter commander.  Don’t let a budget fool you or not having the funds.  Simply take the time to put a little aside and encourage your shipmates on your chapter to do the same and save up for it.  If not this year’s then perhaps the next always keep your eye and focus on what you as a chapter want to achieve.  Nothing is impossible except the barrier we ourselves put up in front of us.

                I want to recognize Colonel Keith Ranson Commanding Officer the Gunstar Trireme.  As many of know Colonel Ranson loves Battlestar Galactica.  He is always taking time from busy schedule to build Sci Fi  Models including those BSG related.  He also likes to share trial and errors he has had in building model.  In the hope sharing will save a fellow model builder the heartache of making a bad mistake.  In addition he likes to engage online chat with fellow members in doing an online mission or storytelling.  There has been several time when he along with fellow chapter members wanted to take on a convention, but due to financial obligation his chapter could not do it.  It does happen truth be told not everyone has deep pockets to simply just pay the cost on their own in order to help fellow member try and attend.   What many here probably did not know is the Colonel Ranson does attend convention in one form or another.  Either through attending comic book store signings. Where comic book artist, Inkers or Story Teller show up to sign fans comic books and stuff.  From time to time actual actors / actresses do show up.  Colonel Ranson set up his tables set up at the local Librari-Con and also Fayetteville Comic-con.  We he proudly represents his ship the Gunstar Trireme and Battlestar Fan Club.  At this year’s Librari-Con he will be giving a presentation entitled 'Battlestar Galactica: The 40 Yarhen saga of A star world'.  Below I have put up a few photos he had sent me to show me he is doing the best he can with is chapter and fellow crew mates.  As many of you can see his efforts are not wasted vain in fact his efforts to represent are indeed valiant.

                For his actions for going up and above duty effective immediately Colonel Keith Ranson is hereby promoted to the rank of COMMANDER in the BFC Fleet!  Be advised he is the first Commander to be appointed to that rank.  I want to say thank you all and Rear Admiral Cherry Oclima for input as well. Please congratulate the Commander when your schedule permits Colonials  ~Salutes~.

Comic_Con Photo:




Pic #3 Cylon Base Stars:


Pic #4 Remembering Richard at Samurai's


Promotion Certificate Commander Keith Ranson.  Actual certificate will be framed and mailed out to you along with your Commander Rank Pins Sir congratulations.  If anyone see this certificate style used anyone else other than me for promoting to Commander and Admirals status only please let me ASAP.


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  • Thanks freya! It's an honor to serve with the best people in the BFC fleet!

  • I am sorry I am a few days late in saying this but Congrats Commander! Well deserved, I am so happy the Trieme is a part of the battlegroup. 

  • Thanks hellpop,iceworm,and aeneas! Hey, I wouldn't have made it this far without the great support you all have provided! SSWA!

  • Congratulations Commander, well deserved! With your permission, Perseus Squadron will fly a salute by the Trireme in your honour.

  • Well chosen, well earned. Congratulations.2504606228?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Congrats Commander!! SSWA!
  • Thank you bunny and mik mo;I feel very privileged to be in the same fleet with such great people;Together, we will have lots more to do!

  • Congratulations!!  I echo the admiral's statement, you deeply deserve this.  You have always been there for me personally as a leader and a friend.  Despite financial and life circumstances, you are always doing your very best to help the BFC and your fellow members.  You use your creativity and imagination wisely and have been a valuable asset to the BFC.  Especially your leadership of the Trireme, it couldn't be what it is without your effort and expertise.  Congratulations again, I'm so proud of you!

  • Congratulations Commander! You and Major Barstow, as former CAGs provided a fine example for me and have always been there with your sage advice. The Raven Air Wing will always be at the Trireme's aid, just give the word. Once again, congratulations!

    Cpt Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

    Commander Air Group

    Raven Air Wing, BSG-002

  • People of the fleet, I am deeply honored; And, if I may borrow A line from the old man himself,I never gave up hope.

    Firstly, I would like to thank Admiral Rivera for this advancement;I may not have A lot of resources in the real world;However, the one resource I do have is imagination,and I will use it to the betterment of BSG fandom for as long as I can.

    Next,and most important,I want to give many thanks to Admiral Dragonlady;She took me under her wing back in the day,and showed me A path;I helped her build an airwing for the raven,and did my best to make it the finest in the fleet; She then gave me the opportunity to have the raven's back even further in command of the BFC's first gunstar escort,the trireme; This ball I have taken and run with;And, there are many more adventures that lay ahead,along with the new additions to the raven battle group; More toasters to trash.

    Next,I want to thank my trireme crew,who keep me honest;Especially Grace 'Bunny' Nonemaker;She has kept my course true in every battle;And, My TAC/OPS officer,Mike 'faceman' Ursiny,who has kept my weapons at the ready; My MARDET NCOIC MSGT 'Tusker' Allen,who has kept my ship secure;And my Chief navigator,Deane 'Longbow' Geiken,who has kept all my jumps on target; Lots more work to be done.

    And finally, to my raven family,especially my fellow viper and raptor jocks on the raven;We have trashed many A toaster,and knocked over many of their cookie jars with great relish;I'm proud to have flown with you guys!

    Now, rest assured,i'm not one to rest on my laurels; As before,the cylon menace is still out there,and we need to be on our toes to keep them from our door.

    Even though the real world has A tendency to interfere with our mission( I am, by habit, A first things first guy), I still have ideas on making this bigger and better;And, I know the rest of you do too; Let us move forward,and, in the words of the late Richard Hatch, Keep the Faith.

                                               SO SAY WE ALL!

                   K.A. 'LEONIDAS' RANSON

                   Commanding,Gunstar Trireme


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