Of Bears & BearTreks & Battlestars....

All, a few months ago we ran a teaser video called BearTrek which is but a tidbit of the efforts put forward by Chris Morgan, (who is incidentally a bear biologist)...& Wildlife Media who are on an urgent quest to save endangered Bear species around the planet.

These people are on a truly noble quest.

Bear McCreary has lent his music to the developing film that is being produced out of all this which has added a decidely Battlestar element.

Thankfully, Bear turned these great folks onto me & here we are, please watch the next videos where Chris Morgan explains how they got together with Bear....the teaser trailer....and the 20 minute or so full length trailer....I think you will come away from this truly impressed  & thoughtful...

With that please take a look at the teaser trailer:..

And of course this 20 minute or so presentation of the the longer trailer...


BEARTREK Demo Reel SD from Wildlife Media on Vimeo.


I think that you will all be moved by this...I don't think anyone can't help but be moved by this...& you know what?

This is our future, we must take steps now...life is so precious on this planet & once removed from it, whole species cannot recover.

It's like pulling a card out of a "house of cards"...you keep on pulling & eventually the house caves in.

WE are on the ecological chain of survival...so when is our card going to come up?

Think about that...think about the films...go to http://wildlifemedia.org/ give what you can & make this film be fully realized & let it carry your message with it...

So Say We All!

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