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  • Thank you all for the help! I appreciate it. Everyone has been tremendous since I joined offering help on every account.
  • They were both at a con in Plano a few monthes ago but have nothing scheduled close to us at this time. I will let you know if I hear otherwise. The Acing Outlaws dvd should be released in a few weeks for all the Katee/Tricia fans.

    keep an eye on they host several cons a year in the Dallas area and have had several great BSG guest the last few years. I have the club a table reserved for the October show and Sam "Crashdown" Witwer may be at that one.

  • I have checked several convention websites, as well as their official sites, and according to what is currently posted they have no public appearance schedules in Texas as of this time.  The "The Acting Outlaws" do not haveything on the official website either.


    Both are actively working in productions for the film/tv/gaming industries and probably don't have the time to appear too often.  In fact, Ms Sackhoff is only scheduled to appear on 2 panels at the San Diego Comic Con, and Ms Helfer is not scheduled to attend any Comic Con's at this time (that I can find).


    Of the lists that I search, I can find only two more conventions this year listed (although there may be more, but they will not be major events):

    Armadillo Con, Austin, Aug 26, Sci Fi Literary

    FenCon, Dallas, Sep 23, General Sci Fi (primarily Literary)

  • Thank you very much. And what a very lucky man... I am very envious.
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