And again we are showcasing our adventure at Comic Con yesterday with this exclusive bit of film featuring the lovely Tricia Helfer & our very own Herb Brunner.

I have to hand it Herb, he knows how to work in front of the camera!

I don't think he had one bit of a problem talking to Tricia either....sorry though, I can't tell you what they were whispering to each other, top secret...though it may just be a Cylon plot!

I think we need to pull the Cylon detector our & check Herb.

Tricia not only graced Battlestar Galactica with her presence but has also appeared in Two and a half men opposite Charlie Sheen & has joined the cast of TNT's Dark Blue.

The Battlestar Fan Club is honored that she took a few moments with us & that she wanted to say hello to everyone here, so thank you Tricia!

Speaking of Charlie Sheen, I really can't resist this.



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  • We love you too Tricia. The fact that this is your first real big acting, is just unbelievable.  There hasn't been a single scene in wish you weren't totaly believable.

    I admire you for playing these magnificent roles, and i will never forget you, as long as i breath and my brains keep working.


    I hope to meet you too one day.       in admiration i am.  

  • Ha ha, did ya now gotta watch Charlie!

    Mikom, actually NONE of this has to do with Charlie Sheen except for the fact that Tricia appeared in "Two & a half men".

    Besides, since I couldn't include something referring to having "Tiger's blood"...I thought "WINNING" would work.

  • LOL, Charlie and I just finished having a drink. :-)
  • She's just adorable!!  Herb-you're ok. LOL!

    Thanks to Shawn and Herb, You guys must have had a BLAST. Thanks for bringing this us.

    I encourage all members to bring us reports from other conventions and if you are going to attend a convention

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    I feel we   

  • Pretty cool! What has this got to do with Charlie Sheen though?
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