You can read it on Pink Raygun. She talks about her experience on BSG.A highlight:Who was your favorite BSG character to write for, and why?I had a fondness for all of the characters, but I took particular delight in writing scenes for Gaius Baltar. From the very first episode, Baltar is a two-edged sword. The survivors of this devastated world seek a scientist to offer answers and wisdom in a perilous time, and they get Gaius Baltar, a man with far more to hide than anyone can imagine. It was fun to put Baltar into odd alliances with various characters and watch him weasel out of trouble at every turn. Every action Baltar takes is designed to conceal his continued perfidy and save his own life, but in the process, he ascends to power and hero status among the fleet. One gets the sense that Baltar truly believes that power makes a man more handsome. Or at least taller. Eventually, even Baltar is forced to concede that power is illusory. And it’s then that he finally establishes a sense of peace over his role in determining the destiny of mankind.
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