On this solemn day, I call upon all members of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club to honor the victims of 9/11 in a profound way.

In respect to their memory please do what you can to help those among us who are the most helpless of all...the children.

UNICEF is a United Nations agency established to help bring food, clothing & shelter to kids in need around the planet.

I think we can all pick up a newspaper or read a story online everyday about the various & pervasive crises that occur everywhere....from the horn of Africa to war torn Libya and beyond.

Honor those who perished with the greatest gift of all to the children...a chance at life.




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  • It is a worthy cause, yes! Children around the world suffer the most of anyone due to war, starvation, deprivation & they are innocent...all of them.

    A sidebar, I was just looking at some video about International reaction to today & it's very cheering to see the support around the world.

    In particular on 9/11...it wasn't just Americans slain..people from 70 different countries died that day.

    These acts of barbarity are not an American problem, they are a world problem.

    Interestingly a man in Tripoli was interviewed (and recently Tripoli has seen a LOT of violence) & said that terrorism, wherever it is perpetuated is an evil...the point is there is a commonality of feeling around the world on this subject.

    Terrorists are home grown & international...they come in every shade, nationality and/or religous belief.

    So thank God that monsters like Timothy McVie & Osama Bin Laden are few & far between...the people who do this are not representative of the whole, they are a tiny minority.

    We can no more blame all Muslims for Bin Laden then we can blame all Christians for McVie.

    What the good people of the Earth need to do is unite & combat this scourge wherever it is and frankly treat one another better...because we are all one people.

    Ok, I'll step off the soapbox ;-)

  • A worthy cause.
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