Happy Thanksgiving Day to Everyone!

Hello Everyone,

            Thank you all for your continuous support and being members of the Battlestar Fan Club!  Another year is passing us by as we reflect on what has happened throughout the year.  Many of us thankful for the blessings we have and are fortunate to share on to others.  Thanksgiving Day is not just about celebrating and giving thanks for all things.  It’s also a day of reflection in which we all take a moment to remember others.  People in our lives whom have passed away,  Memories we cherish that span our lifetime,  Looking to the future because at times life throws us a curve ball.  However, through it all we remain steadfast in order to continue striving forward.  Continuously reminded by the people whom have touched our lives.

            Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day with your Family and Friends.  If you happen to be folks that also help out at shelters feeding the homeless, WE THANK YOU.  In closing I want to say thank you to all our members.  Who are here in the states and around the globe doing your part remembering and keeping Battlestar Galactica alive and strong.  Thank you!


FADM Rivera, M.A.(CF)


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