
2014 is almost upon us regardless of where one is here in the US.  It is already 2014 in some parts of the country.  I just wanted to quickly take this moment, to wish my wonderful crew here aboard Battlestar Raven, a very Happy New Year.  I want to thank all of you for an awesome year.  You guys make my job as Commander, an easy one.  Although it is still an untested and young crew, but in that short period of time, her crew came together, both old and new, to make her the shining star in the fleet (Colonial Alliance). 

And to my Interim XO, Steve Tweed, I read what you wrote finally in details.  Thank you for your kind words.  I appreciate all the support you guys have given me.  The Raven’s success is not due to me, it is because of ALL OF YOU, her loyal and supportive members.  I was quite surprise at what I read.  I never expected that one.  I smiled when I read it because looking back, I never wanted to command a battlestar chapter.  I was always satisfied just being the person behind the scene making things happen.  But looking at it now, I guess I can honestly say, I am glad I did accept command of the Raven for I would not have it any other way anymore.  The best part about being a battlestar chapter commander is helping ones chapter become successful and meet lots of new friends along the way.  You become a family of friends.

And lastly, I had to really ponder what to say to this person for he really made me speechless at what he wrote and revealed.  To my very good friend of many years now, Miguel Rivera, what are you trying to do?  Make me cry this past Christmas Eve?  I wish you would have told me.  I had no clue you were responding to that BSG Hero Award you received in that manner until you text me and told me to look.  I was eating some icecream (cookies and cream which you and I both like) in a cone for dessert.  Miguel, I did not really know what to say on your revelation other than, I am very happy and shocked at the same time.  I mean looking at the trials and tribulations our friendship went through, one cannot help and be thankful that we both found the way to make our once fragile friendship survive, re-forge, and made it even stronger and evolve to something totally unexpected!  The way you put how our friendship was forge, is strange but very unique and true!  Through those trials and tribulations, we learned from our mistakes and took those mistakes to help make things better for our members and to never repeat the same error that cause us to nearly went our separate ways. And you are right, there are just those people whose goal in life is to just suck the fun out in a fan club because they are selfish and only think of themselves.  They are motivated by jealousy and always have a hidden agenda!  NOTHING ELSE!  Those kind of people I really don't have any respect for at all, until they make an effort to change for the better. And you know me by now, that I will NOT hesitate to tell those people off.   One thing I will tell you Miguel, I WILL ALWAYS be there for you wherever the both of us will be in the future, just as you have for me!  And happiness will indeed reign again when we see each other at whatever convention we will end up being there together.  Adopted sister huh? Well that means you have to share your toys with your younger one so she doesn’t have to kidnap them (well maybe some) when she comes for a visit ;-) :-)   The feeling is mutual Miguel! And I am VERY PROUD to be that adopted sister. :-)  And that I freely admit out in the open!

In closing, to my wonderful crew here on Battlestar Raven,  this I promise to all of you as your Commanding Officer, that in 2014, I will work further harder to help make the Raven truly the brightest star of them all in the Colonial Fleet (Colonial Alliance).  A blessed HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!!  Battlestar Raven will resume normal operations on JANUARY 2, 2014.  I want all Department Heads to give me a SITREP on your departments upon resuming normal operations.  THAT IS ALL!   

THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am very proud of all of you here on the Raven and truly an honor to be your Commander!

So Say We All!

Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002



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