Happy Independence Day (4th o July)



I just wanted to quickly wish each and every of you out there especially our men and women in uniforms, past or present, along with my all my members on the Raven and their wonderful families, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY (4TH OF JULY).    I just want to thank my fellow brothers and sisters at-arms(regardless of branch of service), for all you do, stateside or abroard.  Be safe out there and come back home safely to your love ones.  Being away from love ones is the hardest thing of all when performing ones duty in service to this great country of ours. Many holidays, many birthdays, one child's birth, children's school acitivities are miss.  So to our love ones, thank you for all your support.


Cherry "DragonLady"

BFC Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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