
Colonials and Crew of Battlestar Raven,

Greetings from our Nations Capital!  Christmas is just right around the corner so I  and just wanted to quickly take my time and wish each and everyone of you especially my wonderful crew on Battlestar Raven and your families,  HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a Merry Christmas to all of you regardless of where you are located in the world. 

I also wanted to personally thank my crew on Battlestar Raven, for a wonderful year.  December 1, 2013, mark my 16 months of being the Raven Commander.  I will never get tired of saying, the Raven has really come a long way and this is because of each and everyone of you serving on board the Raven.  Your dedication, hard work and loyalty made all her success possible.  NOT ME!  I was just there to guide the Raven back to the right path to be where she needed to be.  I would also like to thank all members of the Raven Friends and Family Circle for all the support you have all given to the Raven.  Her success would not have been possible if it weren't for all of your support as well.

As the new year fast approaches, 2014 will be another YEAR OF THE RAVEN!  She has a lot of good things going on for her and her crew this coming year.  I wish I can say more, but I don't want let the cat out of the bag so to speak :-)  The Raven Crew will just have to wait patiently.  ;-) :-) 

With the holidays upon us, I want my crew on the Raven to have some down time for themselves which they have earned it.  So effectively immediately, BATTLESTAR RAVEN IS HEREBY ORDERED TO STAND DOWN!  Please use this time to relax, be with your love ones just like I am doing for the holidays or however you want to spend you Christmas holiday. I want all of you to be safe while you are on leave because I need all of you back on the Raven to help me tackle a big year ahead of us.  I cannot do it without each and everyone of your help and support for I am only but one person.   Business on the Raven will resume on January 2, 2014.  Also, I encourage all of you to share any photos you might take of yourself and your love ones showing how you celebrate your holidays on the Raven Facebook page.  At least, this will allow all your other fellow Raven Members from all around the globe, to get a glimpse of what you are like as a person.  This way, they will at least get to know you a bit even though you might not have met in person just yet. 

I wish you all the best and once again, HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOUR LOVE ONES! 


Cherry "DragonLady and Family

Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the members of the Battlestar Raven!!!! This year truly was the year of the Raven!!!! Some of the high points for me were watching the Flying Tiger's Squadron grow, getting to know many of my pilots on a personal basis, performing missions with my pilots as well as Colonel Leonidas the Spartan's squadron leader and CAG aboard the Raven.

    What really topped it off was the 1st anniversary of the Flying Tiger's squadron and the mission we performed with none other than our very own Cherry "Dragon Lady" other wise known as Raven Actual and the Vice President of the BFC.

    This year was sooooo great that I can't imagine how the coming year will be. All I can say is, strap your selves in and enjoy the ride!!!!!

    SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

    Capt. Reamer

  • Equally to all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Igualmente a todos, Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo.

  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to ALL!


    John David Feagin


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