Happy Fourth of July Colonials!

Fellow Colonials!

     I just wanted to wish all of you a Happy 4th of July!  As we celebrate another year of Freedom and Independence lets not forget those whom gave the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy what we have.  It may not appear like much at first glance, but when you sit down and reflect it all becomes clear.  Always cherish what you have Family and Friends whom are all around.  As well those whom have passed away due to old age or illness.  They are never forgotten and always remembered in our hearts.

     Lets not forget our members in the Armed Forces active, reserve, retired and passed on.  Let's not forget the civil service workers whom go out to help everyone they can each day.  Whether its an injury, cat stuck up on a tree, helping the homeless the list goes on.  I am sure many of you can recall a story or have witness a random act of kindness.

     It is not just our Freedom we are celebrating every 4th of July we are a small part of a bigger picture, bigger soul and it is my sincere hope we continue preserving what we have been given for the next generation.

      God Bless everyone wherever you are and be safe out there when handling fire works.  If you have children keep an eye out on them for their safety. 


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  • What a wonderful message Admiral! I hope  you and your family have an excellent day. Have a safe Holiday sir.

  • Happy 4th of July


    Everybody Have A BLAST, But Remember...


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