
Battlestar Raven would just like to wish the following three Raven Members:  Benjamin B., Raven's very own Asst. Chief Engineer and Diego Gustavo Rafti.  May the three of you have a great one.  From all of your fellow crewmates here on Battlestar Raven.

On a side note, I just wanted to personally wish my Asst. Chief Engineer, a very HAPPY Birthday.  Chief Beaton, I hope you have a great one.  I owe you a drink when I get back at the ship lounge.  Until then, keep our birds up and running at 1100% percent capacity at all times especially the Raven's FTL's.  And if anyone of our viper pilots harm your babies down in Engineering, well, you know what to do to the offenders and may the Lords of Kobol help them LOL. ;-)


Raven Actual

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