Crew of Battlestar Raven,

I just wanted to quickly take my time here to post this while I am on lunch. I just wanted to wish each and everyone of you serving aboard Battlestar Raven, the Flagship Chapter of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club, a very Happy 2nd Year Chapter Anniversay.  

As I look back, I will be honest to all of you, I was not even thinking having a Battlestar Command of my own.  I was perfectly satisfied being the person behind the scene and helping out.  The more I avoid it, the more I get pulled out.  The Raven is my second product of love should I say.  Battlestar Aries was the first one.  But I was her old Chief Engineer and she has the best damn Commander a chapter can have.  The Raven is really the first one I can call my own because I am now her Commander.  And by the Lords of Kobol, I will take care of her.  Of course, I cannot do it alone.  So to all of you serving aboard her, I thank you all for the bottom of my heart, for doing what you do to help me run Battlestar Raven especially my current Command Staff. She will shine along with her crew. I am only but one person.  So of course I will have limitations as a person.  But I will do what I can to get things done in the mean time.

So here is a little video that me and my very good friend and mentor Admiral Miguel Rivera had put together.  I love and enjoy the video we have put together in honor of each and everyone of you that serves aboard Battlestar Raven.  And I hope you guys enjoy watching it as well. 

And to my Flying Tigers Squadron Leader, Reamer, I hope you have enough cubits to buy everyone a drink.  I thought I saw you post somewhere that the drinks is on you :-).  I know I will be there once I get off duty today.  God help you Reamer! HEHEHEH!

I will talk to you guys later! I have to get back to work.


Raven Actual

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  • Crew of the Raven,

               I wanted to take time a moment from my schedule and say a few words here.  First congratulations to all you serving onboard the Battlestar Raven.  The ship itself has come along way and that is no easy task by any stretch of the imagination.  It is due to you her crew ranging from the Officers, Enlisted and even civilian passengers whom are attached or their to visit.  All of whom have made a difference in her great standing which is a testament no just to her leadership, but you all.  I have know your Commanding Officer for a very long time and will come to her aid in an instant.  Over the years she has earned my trust and more importantly respect.  We have worked together for years in the Sci Fi Community through great time and even sad one.  However we also taken a step to know whats important a good crew, a strong crew and committed one.  I salute you all as few fellow members and friends.

                The Anniversary video was done with a great deal of pride and enjoyment.  Your Commanding Officer asked me to assist and provided me with the material.  I reflect back on myself over the years and Battlestar Aries.  I am just a hardcore Battlestar Galactica Fan of both series.  I am often reminded how can we have something new if not for the legacy of the original a basis and history to reflect upon in order to gather strength from.  Each of us here gathers and draws strength from the things we hold dearly and care a great deal for.  Whether its Family, Friends or a particular memory in time.  The celebration of the 2nd Anniversary of the Battlestar Raven is exactly holding on to that moment the celebration of establishing while celebrating its continuation.

               In closing i wish everyone the best and continue to enjoy Sci Fi in the community. Whether its Battlestar Galactica, Warehouse 13, Space: Above and Beyond, Serenity and so on we all have a love for Sci Fi of all genre so enjoy and carry on.  Be safe folks and take care ~Salutes~

  • Well spoken Actual! It's a privilege and an honor to serve under you and the finest ship of the fleet. And it's also a great pleasure to serve with all of my fellow Colonials. It's reassuring to know there are like minded fans out there.

    Thank you and all of the Raven crew for what you do.

    So say we all!

    Ensign Robert "Nader" Vonada
    Spartan Sqadron
    Battlestar Raven
  • Excellent Video there Actual. I can see once we are fully operational that the 3 year video will have pictures and videos of the Full Raven crew. I actually feel awesome being a squadron commander for the Flagship Battlestar for this Club. I will do what I can to ensure that this stays the best ship in the fleet.

    Thank you for the oppertunity for letting me be a part of your world. 

    So Say we all 

    Lt.Jg Jeff "Gambit"Phillips

    Squadron Commander, Minotaur

    Battlestar Raven

  • Very nicely done Actual, It's always great to see video clips of the show that brought all of us together. I was building my first Viper Mk-II and if Moebius had better images in their instructions I might have never searched for photos online and it's possible I would have never found the CDF and BFC.

    Actual, as you know, I became a pilot in the CDF. I completed my Viper and Raptor training and became Top Gun, but the Battlestar I was serving on was not the one for me. Somehow I found your page here at the BFC and I became your friend. If you didn't invite me to join the Raven I can't say where I would be today.

    I never had any idea I would be the leader of a Viper squadron. Now that I am, I can't imagine ever wanting this to end. I’m having the time of my life building my multinational squadron. I have friends from all across the US, one from the Netherlands one from Spain and who knows where the next member of my group will come from.

    As Captain Leonidas put it, I too will stick with it to the end and continue to follow my destiny here on the Raven. I am very happy and proud to serve with such a great group of people aboard the  "Raven" and of the "Flying Tiger's" squadron.

    SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

    Lt Jg Reamer

  •   Crew of the Raven,

      I would just like To say how Fortunate And Blessed By The Lords of Kobol To be Part of The Fleet Flagship,And the Finest Airwing in the Fleet!

      When I signed up To The BFC,A little Over a Year Ago, I Knew The Opportunity To Interract With fellow BSG Fans was Great. Then, Raven Actual, Then the XO, Recruited Me to be A Part of Something Even Better; A place Where my Strength And Passion Could be Taken to the Next level; Without a Doubt, I Have Gone To a place I Only thought was Out of My Reach; However,Thanks to the Support Of Actual,The XO, And Many Others that Have come Before,And, After Myself,  I Have Given myself The Opportunity To Shine in Another Dimension.

      Regardless Of Where This takes Me, I Intend to stick With It To the End; For it is said:

        "It Is Not The Destination, But the Journey...."  And I will be Privileged To Continue It with Such a Outstanding Group of People!              SO SAY WE ALL!!!     

                                                                 Capt. K.A. "Leonidas"  Ranson

                                                              Commander Air Group,   BFC-002

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