People of the BFC fleet,

Two years ago,the first escort of the raven battle group,the Gunstar Trireme(GSR-0201),was sent on it's journey.

We have stood in defense of the BFC flagship,the Battlestar Raven(BFC-002),In our continuing conflict with the cylons,to keep the colonies safe.

We have added our firepower to that of the raven's,and supported the action of her best asset,The raven air wing.

We have taken our share of bumps and bruises;And returned the same to the cylons.

Suffice to say,at the end of year two,we still stand;We have been adding to our roster of warriors,and making them part of the best of the best...and we're not finished!

Our job is A never ending one: To seek out fellow BSG fans,and recruit them for our quest  of BSG fandom,and fun;And,destroy more cylons in the process!

We have A facebook page,which many have viewed,and signed up for; Now,we have Another outlet into social media:

WE ARE ON TWITTER12578083669?profile=original

For our second anniversary,the trireme has activated it's twitter page: Twitter@GTrireme;

Now, those of you who tweet can SEIZE YOUR GLORY and follow us!

Now,I'm really not into prophecy,or the scrolls of pythia;However, I believe the best is yet to come;And,as we seek new blood to fill our ranks,we will strive to be the best we can be!

                               SO SAY WE ALL!

                Col. K.A. 'Leonidas' Ranson


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