Greetings from your Caprcian Delegate

My name is James Cecil I'm your caprcian Delegate on the Quorum of 12. I'm also a a membe of the Colonial Defense Force as well. I've been a fan of Battlestar Galatica since the day that it first aired back in the 70's and have watched the entire reimaged BSG as well. I have my own website up on the net called CDF Caprica which can be found at


You can contact me through that website or your can just e-mail me at with any issue that your think I and my fellow Quorum members should take up on your behalf. Now I'd like to ask if there is anyone that is interested in working with myself and any other Quorum member. If you are please stop by my Caprica website and click on the Quorum Staff Member Application button. Once you click on that button you get a PDF file to fillout and turn into me at the e-mail address I've just mentioned here. We're looking for members of both the CDF and Battlestar Galactica Fan Club who would like to be apart of a great adventure.


As a Quroum Staff member you will paired up with a Quorum Delegate to whom you will assist with the various duties of their office on a day to day basis. You might even get to act in the behalf of the Quorum Delegate should the Quorum Delegate have to be away for a period of time to tend to other matters outside of CDF and the BFC. And who knows you may even like what your doing that you may actually consider running for Coloinal office one day. I encourage anyone that wants to be a Quroum Staff Member to visit and download a Quroum Staff Membership Application today.


James Cecil

Caprican Delegate

Quorum of 12

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  • Greetings Sir. Its nice to know there is representation for us Capricans!!!

    Welcome aboard sir and may the Lords of Kobol watch over you.

    Al Bartraw, Flightline Chief Battlestar Tigerclaw

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