Greetings from the Quorum Vice-Chair


Greetings fellow Colonials

   This is Mikhaila Durante and I wanted to take some time and introduce myself to you though some may know me already. I am the Vice Chairperson of the Quorum of 12 and represent the seat of Scorpia    ( Ain't we the lucky dogs!) And I am very happy to be serving you here. If I can ever be of any service, please feel free to drop me a line.

     Things are moving along in the Quorum. We are hard at work setting up 'shop' and having fun too. Things need to be in 'good shape on our ship' so to speak, so we can provide everyone with the most awesome experience on this site.  And who am I ?  Well, I live in Illinois, I have been a BSG fan snce the original series although I was very, very little at time. I still have some dim memory's of being of enamoured of Apollo and Adama. I watch and adore both  series now.

       Before my precious baby, Serena, ( she's almost 2)  was born, I was an actress for 20 years ( I'm an old mom). and was a globe-trotter. I still am a voracious reader, a gardener, lousy houskeeper, enthusiastic but lazy cook, seamstress. I have an awesome husband, Jimmy Durante. Yes, he's related but much more handsome. 

"Ha-cha-cha, I've got a million of them."  If you didn't get that reference you are too young.  

        That's a bit of me, Things can get busy on the Quorum site but I really wanted to come and say hello  and tell you about myself. Our news of the Quorum can be read below and to the left. Click on anything and you will be taken to our website. There are still a few positions on the council available. Not afraid of hard work? Honorable? Talk to us.


So again -call me if you need me. I am always...

By your command  

Siress Mikhaila Durante

Scorpia Delegate

Vice Chair -Quorum of Twelve      




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  • Hi Mikhaila.  It's good to be back here. I am still in recovery, so the full me will have to wait just a bit to come back fully.  I hope i can add some more to the site soon.


    In admiration,  Donny

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