Galacticon III

Exciting news everyone! I'm now able to announce Emissaries: Galacticon III A 35th Anniversary Celebration of Battlestar Galactica.

This special event presented by the Battlestar Fan Club is a ways away, Fall of 2013...but we are getting ready for it now.

By the fans, for the fans of this great shows & built upon what I like to call the "6 Foundations of Battlestar Galactica".

The original series, Galactica: 1980, Richard Hatch's Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming, The re-imagined series, Caprica & Chrome & Blood.

As club members we are going to ask all of you to help us to promote this event when you yourselves go to Conventions, blog on the web and simply talk to your friends.

We are going to make this the best damn event on the planet!

I guarantee it will blow your socks off!

Just remember this: Believe!

So say we all!


Shawn O'Donnell

Chairman & Co-Founder

Battlestar Fan Club



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  • Absolutely legit...the webpage is going to be converted into a website soon. We are holding this event in conjunction with Comic Palooza in Houston Memorial Day weekend 2013. The Comic Palooza event will be held in the George R. Brown Center while we will be basing the G3 event out of the adjoining Hilton...


  • Is this legit ??........I can find no other info ,,,,Hotel etc......... The web site only shows this poster ??

  • 2504590417?profile=original

  • I'm on board. I'm excited for the group. They often have these types events here at the Pasadena Ca Convention Center.
  • Ed- It'll be good to see you there. Sorry i've not had a chance to talk with you in awhile.

    Paul- It will be nice to meet you too.

    This will be great. :-)

  • you can definately count on Blackstar Squadron having a presence there. Looking forward to it!!!
  • Count me in ! We should release a proposed location as soon as possible so people can plan.
  • Where is this being held? If it has to be the west coast, I at least hope it's near  Daniel in Portland.

    I'm dying to get back there!

    But either way it sounds exciting.

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