Spotlight on Leah Cairns

This Canadian born actress is probably most well known to Battlestar Galactica fans as Lt. Margaret "Racetrack" Edmonson on the show.

However, Leah has a lot of credits beyond BSG, most notably playing opposite Al Pacino in 88 minutes along with roles on Kyle XY, Sanctuary & Supernatural.

Leah has been active and vocal in her support in The Battle for Seattle and Savannah and if you go to the the link (and check out the video below) you'll see what this all about & it will touch your heart.

Shawn: So, Leah what projects are you currently working on?

Leah: I am currently shooting a few episodes of Cedar Cove. It's about as far away from sci-fi as one can get, BUT I've been working closely with the incredible and incomparable Teryl Rothery. She's absolutely fabulous and the chemistry between her and the illustrious Andie MacDowell is wonderful to witness.

Shawn: What was your first convention experience?

Leah: My very first Con was in Vancouver. My second cousin helped organize it and asked if I could round up some BSG actors for a panel.

12578065456?profile=originalShawn: How did it go?

Leah: I think the first season of BSG must have been airing and Vancouver fans weren't quite struck with the BSG bug yet. I say that because nobody seemed particularly excited that we were there. I remember being asked a lot of questions about Stargate and Andromeda. I also remember that there was a woman knitting a scarf like her life depended on it. She barely looked at any of us, even when she asked us questions. Nothing could slow down her knitting! It was a little weird!

Shawn: How about the best Con you've been to?

Leah: Galacticon! I would be lying if I didn't choose it. Galacticon was the first time since the show wrapped that I'd been with that many of the BSG cast in one place. Eddie and I burst into tears when we saw each other. My Dad came with me and had his first every Con experience. I think he had more fans than I did by the end of the weekend! I got to meet Bear for the first time which was AMAZING and I made some incredible new friends. One in particular, Amber Greenwalt, who has changed my life.

12578065867?profile=originalShawn: How about the worst Con?

Leah: My worst Con has nothing to do with the Con itself but everything to do with the horrid combination of Chris Judge, our mutual love of single malt scotch and only one bathroom for both attendees and the fans. It ended badly. Real Bad.

Shawn: How about the strangest...or most unusual fan you've met at a show?/

Leah: Does Chris Judge count?

Shawn: Well, this might be a redundant question, but any truly bad experiences at a Con?/

Leah: Refer to my answer about "Worst Con" (question number 5) above!

12578066258?profile=originalShawn: What would you do differently if you were running a Con?

Leah: If I ran a Con I wouldn't have any exchange of money happen at the actor's tables. I love the Cons where fans buy tickets in advance for the autographs they want. There is nothing worse than having to discuss prices of things with fans. I'd love it if could all be free and everyone could get all the signatures and photos their hearts desired. Of course I understand that it's a business and money needs to be collected, I just think it happens to take away from the guests. This is how they do it in England. I think it's a great system. AND always, always have separate bathrooms for the guests! Again, refer to question number 5.

Shawn: Ever want to get an autograph?

Leah: Yup! I was at a Con with Peter Mayhew and stood in line for his autograph. He laughed at me and instead took my husband and I over to a photographer to have our picture taken together. He signed it and gave it to me and then asked me to sign HIS copy. That's right, Peter Mayhew asked for my autograph! My cheeks are burning just remembering it!

Shawn: How about future plans?

Leah: I have three small kids. My plans don't ever seem to go much beyond which bottle of wine to uncork once they are all finally in bed!

As always, it was a great pleasure to chat with Leah and ask her to share her thoughts on a few specific subjects to share with all of you.

So Say We All!

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