Hello again everyone,
I'm very excited that I'm able to bring this to you...starting with Galacticon in 2003 (held in Los Angeles) & Galacticruise: Galacticon II in 2208 (held aboard the Carnival Cruise ship Paradise)...we continue with Emissaries: Galacticon III slated for the spring of 2013.
We will be gathering together a host of great Battlestar Galactica alumni, feature special Galacticon events and have a great frakkin' party for a couple of days!
As with all things, the details are being worked on...at a furious pace I may add...but luckily we have time to work on and bring you the best possible product & bring you THE ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE!
We at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club are committed to that because we do serve YOU the fans!
We are building towards a greater unity in the Battlestar Galactica universe, one in which the fans & actors & everyone beyond & in between will have ownership of.
You make it happen, your energy becomes synergy and you help to create it.
Please visit http://galacticon3.com/ and bookmark it..as we get information we will present it to you real time and keep you up to date.
I also wanted to provide you with the logo for Emissaries: Galacticon III (which you will see on the site) and hopefully as a nice glossy advertisement at a Convention near you...as well as the poster image from Galacticruise: Galacticon II which will be on the reverse side of said glossy!
I want to thank Marcel Damen at Galactica TV http://www.galactica.tv.com/ for putting together the Emissaries logo & also thank Drew Gaska at http://blamventures.com/ for the use of the poster image.
Again, you can check out upcoming information about the release of the Galacticruise: Galacticon II DVD at http://www.battlestargalactica.com/
Also as a side note we will also be making the original poster from Galacticruise: Galacticon II available through Blam! Ventures.
So say we all!
All of these look beautiful. I couldn't be more thrilled about Emmisaries especially because I'll be working for YOU!
Of course there will be a dance at Emmisaries? ( hint? hint? ) Shawn, we simply must dance. :-)