I bid you all a fond hello & a welcome to all our newest members as always.
Bear with us a bit, I was planning on kicking of this week with a bunch of hero awards but as it sometimes happens things tend to intervene (in this case Cons, news & scheduling)...but I do promise that in the near future though we will resume the hero's in an expanded version.
Sooo...having said all that, I will give all of you a short report regards the Anaheim WonderCon that the BFC recently attended (with yours truly).

12578050886?profile=originalFirstly, it was actually Battlestar Galactica "heavy"...Richard Hatch, Herb Jefferson, Kate Vernon & Kandyse McClure were all in attendance and though there wasn't any big "news" per se (the proposed movie being the 800 pound gorilla in the room), Richard was talking about Axanar, the newest Trek project that he is working on (albeit as a KLINGON!)
My good buddy Noel Guglielmi was also in attendance (The Walking Dead, Fast & The Furious, Training Day).
Always good to visit with him..and other friends.

12578051092?profile=originalAlicia Hollinger was a guest at the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club table with me (check out her art!), having just been featured in Heavy Metal magazine & putting out her newest book...I would say she is an artist on the rise!
Fan Club....and what I like to call BFC Team L.A. members Cliff Gardner & Herb Brunner came down along with my good friend and photographer supreme Chris Loomis.
I think if you everyone recalls from both Chris' site and Luciana Carro's Facebook page a few months back Chris did a fantastic photo shoot with Luciana in Hollywood..anyway, check out his site and her FB page.
There is always a different kind of vibe at Cons, which you all get...those of you who have been to one knows what I mean, but always fun.

12578051870?profile=originalThis year there are several events that the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club will be present at...notably in Tulsa OK, Houston TX & Tampa FL.
Especially looking forward to Sci-Con in me a chance to not only to visit Florida, but again to see friends.
That's what it's all about.
If I can distill it down to one basic thing...that thing that serves as the glue to all of this...(and I'm talking here about the collective fan support for Battlestar Galactica specifically while also taking into account the whole spectrum of Cons, networking and mutual support), I would have to say it all boils down to friendship.
I have been involved with Battlestar Galactica for the past 15 years and over that time, I have made lifelong friends in and out of the (entertainment) of Battlestar Galactica & other shows (and mind you, some of THOSE fans are actors & writers etc.), while some just have an abiding love for the show(s)....and THEY too are talented people in whatever path they follow.
I'm blessed to know those fans and direct participants (people like Richard Hatch, Bear McCreary and of course, etc) while you might say I'm on both sides of the fence...I find there is NO fence...get to a Con & you will see how quickly that perceived "fence" disappears!
Having said that I'm going to give two special shout for next years Galacticon IV (can't help it, I'm one of the Executive Producers!) & Gene Haggerty & Co's Sci-Con...really how much fun can one person have...?
(Well, many people having fun, but it's a personal perspective!).
Before I close...two things...DO NOT FORGET THIS: To ALL Battlestar Galactica fans, your deep and abiding love & faith keeps the franchise alive, your determination, your belief and your support keeps it going...any day and everyday you move mountains...and once again you have moved that mountain, the talk of the upcoming film has proved that, don't for one minute forget that it was YOU who directly influenced that decision so keep on pushing...don't sit back, shout LOUDER!
The other is that over the next several weeks we will be featuring the special Galaction IV spotlight on the stars interview series featuring our upcoming guests next year in you may learn a thing or two you didn't know before...and you'll see that as much as you go to a Con to see them, they are there just as much to see you!
Always remember to:
Keep The Faith!
So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

Photo's of Kate Vernon & Noel Guglielmi by Chris Loomis

Photo of Yasu Tano (Na'vi) by Shawn O'Donnell

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