Earlist Memory of Battlestar Galactica



      As an older member my earliest memories of BSG is of the original series.  Back in the days when kids had to use their imaginations to entertain themselves, I remember nearly all the kids played BSG.  I was in 2nd or 3rd grade and during recess the kids would meet up, split into the cyclon group and the colonials, each side had a "base".  Baltar (usually an older kid) would sit on a rock on the outskirts of the play ground, while the colonials would operate out of BSG-75, or what we would also call the wood/tire fort.  The tire fort worked well as it had 3 large concrete sewer tunnels (launch tubes) that were large enough for small kids to launch out of.  The cyclons would report to Baltar, Adama would say,"launch all vipers" and we were off having "epic scale" dog fighting viper versus raider (kids running all over making sound effects and blowing each other up).  3 battles a day, 5 days a week.  Anyone else have some fond memories of BSG that were seperate from the enjoyment of viewing the series?


Chad "Tank" Cirillo


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  • I still remember BSG 1980 it was great at the time, but we did only have 4 channels back then.
  • Nope,

    Mine was about watching the new show,BSG 1978, and watching it in english, w/o the Japanese sub-titles, lol.  I was coming back from Japan, in '78, to find a brand new show waiting for me...it was terrific!


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