I just thought I would share this video info I blundered into...It shows most all of the main Science Fiction ships compared at scale from most all angles.  There are several Battlestars included as well as Cylon ships from the original and re-imagined series versions of Battlestar Galactica:


So...Does Size Matter?

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  • I didnt see that one im gonna have to find it
  • I like the Mog...half man half dog, his own best friend! Movies like that and the Family Guy Star Wars haunt me to this day...I can't watch the real thing ever a gain without having flashbacks!  They haven't corrupted Battlestar Galactica yet...But the Simpsons DID do a skit where the Battlestar Galactica robots (Centurion Cylons) beat up the wimpy S.W. robots C3PO and R2D2.   

  • It was only a matter of time b4 a spaceballs reference came up....but i have to agree
  • :o) Yes, I have read several comparisons of what is fastest FLT mode of transportation...Hyper Drive, Warp Drive, or Jump Drive...but NONE can compare with...LUDICROUS SPEED!!!! May the Swartz be with you...and in that case...size did seem to matter.

  • One Thing I Noticed: No SPACEBALL ONE? Come On People!

  • Yep! Skill and tactics! Hit and run FTL jump attacks if nothing else...There is NO defense against that, no reaction time! I also liked Gimli from the Lord of the Rings...A compact fisty little tank going against the big guys and cutting them to pieces!

  • No not really cuz if u look at it like a swarm of bees not everyone goes for the same target....multiple fighters multiple targets for maximum damage
  • Maybe Not Size, But Speed And Weapons.

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