Caprica 6

So I'm not quite the details nerd, so I'll pose a question.  Was Caprica 6 (the one that often had Baltar talking to mid air, not the phyiscal form)  an image transferred through a chip in Baltar's head, an image or obession in his subconscious, or something else? (and did the show ever specify)

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  • oops, so they started calling her(the Cylons), Caprica6... relation, lol

  • Greetings!

    Dont know if nerd is 'on target', but Caprica6 was a model 6 that became a heroe of the Cylons, for bringing down the defense screens on Caprica and using Baltar to do it, after which she was in his head, because her body had been nuked

  • and why does it look good upon original typing, but after posting I notice all the spelling errors?


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