Covert intel obtained by the colonial ministry of defense has discovered that the cylons have established A station/listening post about 5km behind their side of the red line:
It is reported that this station is equipped with an advanced tracking system,capable of looking up to 30 km into colonial space;This will make it ideal to track colonial fleet movements approaching the red line;basically,an advanced early warning system;Any colonial fleet capitol ships approaching,even by FTL, can be tracked and identified before crossing the line;A huge advantage for them,since they are weary of us consistently knocking over their cookie jars.
However, the system has one flaw: anything smaller than A columbia class battlestar(i.e. Galactica) cannot be tracked;This can be exploited.
The Battlestar Raven will stop at A point 10km short of the red line,and maintain A patrol posture; The Gunstar Trireme will skirt around peremiter sectors,about 15 km, to A point behind the station;The gremlin raptors will launch decoy drones behind the trireme,giving off the signature of A mercury class battlestar;This will draw the attention of the basestar guarding the station,which will move to intercept;At the same time,raven blackbirds one and two will be in the vicinity,to monitor the movement;Once the base star has moved to intercept the trireme,Blackbird one will signal the raven air wing ,standing by at the red line,that the cylons have taken the bait;After that, blackbird two will fire A missile at the station's communications array,cutting them off from further help.
When the base star reaches the position of the trireme,The trireme will immediately engage with nukes;At the same time, the raven air wing will knock out the station's remaining defenses,their missile launchers,and raider squadrons. After they enemy defenses have been neutralized,the seekers will ferry the raven MARDET to the station to seize the tracking equipment;Once the marines have secured the equipment, they will exfil,leaving behind A 5kt demolition nuke;When the air wing has cleared the station,they will detonate the nuke;After which,the trireme will immediately execute the jump back to our side of the red line,rejoining the raven.
The operation will be in BFC forum chat,sunday night aug,27,at 8PM EST(5PM PST) or 2000 hrs. Any changes and/or updates will be posted.
That's right on the money alexander! Thanks!
Sir, the Battlestar Gun Crews will gladly partake in this mission. If the Lords of Kobol will it, we will not be needed to provide firing support - but it's always a good idea to back prayers to Kobol up with heavy artillery.

To further illustrate the Battle Plan, I have allowed myself to put together a little visual inspired by a mix between a mapping table and DRADIS. I hope that is appropriate in preparation for this decisive mission!
Sounds like a fun little op to be a part of!!!!
Thank you gentlemen;With A little luck from the lords of kobol, it can be pulled off.
Thanks Colonel. If I may, the time for the op equates to 02.00 CET (EU) and 01.00 BST (UK), that is early Monday am.
Aeneas, SC Perseus Sqdn