My fellow Colonials,

The Oklahoma Contingent of the Battlestar Raven has been given the Greenlight and the Blessing of our Commander herself to represent the Raven at three new conventions in Oklahoma. The Raven will also be Mother Club (Battlestar Galctica Fanclub) at these events.

1.  Soonercon, June 27-29 2014, Oklahoma City Area, Ok

2. Tokyo in Tulsa, July 11-13 2014, Tulsa, OK

3. Wizard World Tulsa, November 7-9 2014, Tulsa, OK

The Raven will be Represented by Chief Engineering Officer and Minotaur Squadron Leader Lt. Jeff "Gambit" Phillips and 

Myself , Hammers Squadron Leader Lt. j.g. Shane "Ogre" Coble.

The following is still up in the air pending approval from Raven Actual for the San Antonio Contingent of the Battlestar Raven. The Mother Club will also be represented as well.

Wizard World San Antonio, Aug 1-3, 2014, San antonio, Tx

So Ladies and Gentleman, lets Spool up the drives. The Battlestar Raven is Hitting the FTL drives in 2014 and not stopping til we hit Galacticon 4 on Earth!

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  • Looks like the Ravens are going to be kicking some major butts during 2014!  OH YEAHHHH!

  • Great info, thanks Ogre. I'll be looking into the July and November Tulsa shows. Will advise if going.

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