Colonials -

I'm a relatively new member of the Fanclub.  But - I have some very cool news to share, and I could use everyone's help.

- I've made it into the Video Finals for the Seattle Space Needle's Space Race 2012 Contest.

- It's down to 20 people (from thousands), and voting via FaceBook has commenced.

- The "Final 5" contestants - those with the most votes between now and 18 March - will go to Seattle and compete for the ultimate prize - a suborbital flight into space.

- It's important to vote daily.  Please vote for me here:

- Please let me know if you might be able to help spread the word to Colonials and Cylons alike - I really need votes!

- The grand prize consists of a suborbital spaceflight, up to an altitude of about 62 miles (100 kilometers), the internationally accepted boundary of outer space. The flight, aboard a vehicle provided by Space Adventures and Armadillo Aerospace, will last about 30 minutes from takeoff to landing, with about 6 minutes of zero gravity. Training for the flight will take about two days.

- Other notable suborbital spaceflights in history include: US astronauts Alan Shepard and Gus Grissom's flights during the Mercury program in 1961; flights of the USAF/NASA X-15 in 1963; and the first commercial manned spaceflights of SpaceShip One in 2004.

- Like many of us, going into space has been a dream of mine since I was in grade school.... Watching the original Battlestar series on TV way back then made me want to journey where Galactica and the Viper pilots did.  I really want to win this contest to continue to inspire my two sons (ages 6 and 8) and their  friends, and help keep the dream of human spaceflight alive for their generation.

- Additional background on the Contest:

- More on Space Adventures' Suborbital Spaceflights:

Please let me know if you think the club can help push me into the "Final 5"!  I would really appreciate their support in achieving this lifelong ambition.

"So Say We All...!"

- Savan Becker

Stuyvesant H.S. - Class of 1988
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/USAF ROTC - Class of 1992
UND Space Studies - Class of 2004

Votes: 0
E-mail me when people leave their comments –

You need to be a member of The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club to add comments!

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  • Space Race 2012 - No joy...  But what a ride.

    Colonials -

    Well...  today was not my lucky day.  I was eliminated from the competition as was John Herman (the leading Facebook contender).

    Here's the funny part...

    I woke up in the middle of the night and had a weird premonition that we'd be going into a vertical wind tunnel this morning....  specifically an iFly vertical tunnel, like the one I took the kids to in Orlando. For those of you that don't know me very well, I tend to have these weird moments of precognition....  Not as often as Professor X has....  But still, happens more than it should.

    So - we pile into the van, and start driving out, and half an hour later we come to this mall.  One of the staff says "So who's been skydiving?" as we pull up in front of - no joke - the iFly Seattle vertical wind tunnel facility.

    Having been in the Orlando tunnel, and having jumped from an actual plane, I was stoked.  But (there's always a "but"...), I could not find the balance required to complete the various timed tasks they had set out for us:  timed stable flight (no touching the walls, etc); circular maneuvers; hitting sequences of numbers scattered on the chamber walls at various heights; and collecting a bunch of balls floating in the chamber.

    It was still a lot of fun.  Whereas me and the kids had to pay (a lot) for a few minutes of flight in Orlando, I got more than 15 minutes of "freefall" time today.  And, it was pretty exhausting; it was a few hours start to finish at the facility.

    It was disappointing, but still an amazing time.  The organizers were great, we had so much fun the last couple of days, and it was a blast to get that much time in the tunnel.  And, unlike the other contestants, I still get to come home and work "in the business" with some of the best aerospace professionals in the world.

    The Space Needle staff invited us to be present at the final challenges over the next couple of days.  And, we still get to meet Buzz Aldrin on Wednesday, during the closing ceremonies.

    My kids are sad that I got eliminated....  But - they are seriously excited that we're trying to come home a day early to see them sooner :)  Shows you what the important things in life are.

    Overall, it's all good.  I was, after all, the token rocket scientist :)  If they would have asked us to plot a Hohmann transfer to the Moon, I would have been all over it.  But, maintaining control in 100+ mph winds is tough....

    Thanks once more to everyone for the support.  I would never had had this experience without your help.

    "So Say We All...!"

    - S.

  • Colonials -
    I just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that we're headed out to Seattle early tomorrow morning for the final round in the Space Race 2012 contest. Dinner tomorrow night at the Space Needle with the organizers and the other 4 contestants, and Monday begins the first of 3 days of elimination challenges. The winner of the suborbital space flight will be announced Wednesday, 9 May.

    Thanks to everyone for getting me this far - to the Final 5. I heard that 50,000 people entered - so it's pretty amazing to have gotten to the final phase. I wouldn't be doing this if not for all your support and efforts.

    Here's the funny thing - the hardest part of this week is leaving my boys, Tristan and Kiran, behind. Lots of people leave their kids to go and do challenging things - sometimes for months or years at a time, and sometimes at the risk of life. So - one week is by far not a huge deal in the grand scheme. But, as a parent, it's always hard to leave the ones you love the most - the little guys that occupy so much of your time, energy and thoughts. Particularly, as in this case, when they are such an inspiration and such a big part of what it is you're going off to do.... I'd love to have them there, since it's because of them that I try so hard. So - the biggest challenge for me is not to miss them so much, and not to think of letting them down. They were funny - they said they'd be "...crossing their fingers, and their toes, and their arms and legs every day for good luck..." while I was away. I'll be thinking of them constantly.

    And, as I think about that, I can't help but think of all my friends that have deployed - left their boys and girls behind for so long - to do things that are far more important. Right now, among many others, my good buddy Andy - a true "space soldier" - is overseas, away from his two daughters and his wife, fighting the good fight. Andy - I know you miss them, and they miss you. Semper Fi - thanks for the sacrifice. If I pull this off, we'll do some serious celebrating when you get back.

    Thanks again everyone - I'll do my best.
    "So Say We All...!"

    - S.
  • Colonials –

    Just wanted to give you an update on the Space Race 2012 Competition. The Space Needle sponsors contacted me last week. They verified my fourth place finish, and we’ve started making the arrangements to head out to Seattle the first week of May to compete in the final elimination challenges!

    The sponsors could not divulge how many votes I received – but they were watching each day and said that I had a “very strong social network” and it really showed. They said I should tell everyone in it how significant the persistent voting was. So – thank you, once more, for all the effort to keep me in the Final 5.

    While they could not reveal the nature of the final challenges, they stated that the tasks would be more mental than physical – no feats of strength or endurance. In their words, they were not sure if they would end up with "five 20 year olds, or five sixty year olds" – so they wanted to make sure things were evened out. They indicated that the challenges would focus on problem solving and how the contestants worked under pressure.

    Thanks again for the support– I will definitely keep you all posted.

    "So Say We All!"

    - S.

    - WBFF Fox 45 Baltimore morning news interview (2 March 2012):

  • Colonials -

    The voting is done and – as far as I can tell – I came in 4th!!  The Space Needle Space Race 2012 website indicates that they will be contacting the top 5 finalists to confirm their availability to participate in the next round of the competition – the elimination challenges that will take place here in Seattle. They will be (officially) announcing the final 5 contestants in mid-April.   If I can, I will let you know when I hear from them.

    Lastly - and inadequately:  I don't have the words to thank to everyone for all the support.  I seriously could not have done this without you all - and I am sincerely humbled by all the energy put forth to help me get a little closer to this dream.  No matter what happens from here on out - win or lose - it was an amazing experience to see how much everyone cared, and pulled together.  And - I'm grateful that this endeavor gave me an opportunity to share something I care deeply about - the passion for exploration and discovery - with my sons, their friends and classmates, and anyone else who would listen. That was reward enough.  Inside, I'm still a kid that wants to go into space.  And you guys helped me - and my family - to keep the faith, and keep believing that childhood dreams don't have to fade away.

    I will keep you all posted. 

    “So Say We All…!”


    -          S.

  • Space Race 2012 - Final Transmission....

    Colonials -

    It's the last few hours, and every vote counts to keep me in the Final 5:

    Lastly - and inadequately:  I don't have the words to thank to everyone for all the support.  I seriously could not have done this without you all - and I am sincerely humbled by all the energy put forth to help me get a little closer to this dream.  No matter what happens from here on out - win or lose - it was an amazing experience to see how much everyone cared, and pulled together.  And - I'm grateful that this endeavor gave me an opportunity to share something I care deeply about - the passion for exploration and discovery - with my sons, their friends and classmates, and anyone else who would listen. That was reward enough. 

    Inside, I'm still a kid that wants to go into space.  And you guys helped me - and my family - to keep the faith, and keep believing that childhood dreams don't have to fade away.

    "So Say We All...!"

    - S.

  • Space Race 2012 - Final Day - Please Vote!!

    Colonials -

    Thanks to you, I've stayed in the Final 5 - and there is one day left!   Please vote tonight and, if you can, tomorrow:

    As I have said before, I am sincerely humbled by the support - it's been tremendous.  Special thanks to Dan and Shawn for sending the call throughout the fleet. I honestly do not think I would have made it this far without all of you. 

    I'll obviously check on the results tomorrow night - after the last day of voting - and keep you posted.

    "So Say We All...!"

    - S.

  • Space Race 2012 – 3 Days Left! – Still in 4th Place!

    Colonials –

    You’re doing it – I’m still in the Final 5!  There are 3 days left – please keep me there:

    Keep voting - just a few more clicks….!

    “So Say We All….!”

    -              S.

  • Colonials –


    There are 4 days left and I’m suspended in 4th place!  It’s the final stretch - please vote!  It only takes a few microns...!


     "So Say We All....!”


    -              S.

  • Space Race 2012 – 5 Days Left / 4th Place – Almost there…!

    Everyone –

    Five days left!  I’m hanging in 4th  – please continue voting! 

    Keep me in the Final 5!  Let’s see if I can move up to 3rd before this is out!

    “So Say We All…!

    -              S.

  • Space Race 2012 – 6 Days Left / 4th Place – Keep Voting!

    Colonials  –

    There are only 6 days left – please continue voting and keep m in the Final 5!

    Thank you so much for the support!  You're really making a difference!

    "So Say We All...!"

    -       S.

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