I was just wondering…Does anybody have ANY idea about what the “Roll Bar” was for on the modified version of the Valkyrie class Battlestar?  This class is admittedly the smallest known Battlestar class, but it is also the coolest looking. With all of the sharp profiles of this Battlestar, it totally looks “cooler” than all of the rest, but surely this roll bar thing has a purpose other than to add to its coolness.  Off of the top of my head, I’m thinking that it could be some sort of mounting system for various modular systems…Maybe a serious rail gun, maybe a sensor array, like with present day AWACS planes, maybe a use it and lose it missile pod, maybe it’s for placing remote sensors, landing bays, or what ever in remote locations, maybe some sort of docking mechanism for ships that are too small to fit in its landing bays, maybe some sort of docking mechanism for holding lots of’em at a star base, etc.  It HAS to be more than some sort of cheesy armor thing, since it doesn’t cover much, and would be easily bypassed.  Please…WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS!?!?!?!? That sucker HAS to serve SOME sort of purpose!!!!  Your input much appreciated!

So say we all!

John David Feagiin

PS...PLEASE...INPUT...NEED INPUT...What do YOU think it might have been for?!!?

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  • The titan class battlestar of the ijf
  • Any Body Ever Heard Of A LARGE Support Carrier? I Have; The SHINANO, Supposedly To Be The Third YAMATO-Class Battleship For Japan's Imperial Fleet In WW2, After The Battle Of Midway,Where The IJN Lost FOUR Of It's Front-Line Carriers, The Admiralty Ordered More Ships To Be Converted To Carriers; So, This Big Bastard Was Converted To A Carrier. It Would Have Had A Total Air Wing Of 90 Aircraft, Almost Triple That Of those Lost At Midway. However, The Admiralty Decided It Was To Be A SUPPORT Vessel, Instead Of The SUPERCARRIER It Had. However,10 Days After It Left Dock For The First Time,It Was Sighted And Sunk By A US Submarine. Just Think Of Seeing The World's First(Unofficial) Supercarrier in Action!

  • Lots of great insight here, me thinks! They seem to be smaller multi-role vessels. Support carriers is a good concept.  If the landing pods are damaged on the larger vessels, it’s always a good idea to have some back-ups on as many platforms as possible. Back-up for the big boys.  Also, I remember reading that in the Trekkie genera, the Federation chose to mostly build smaller ships for the bulk of their fleet with just a few of the bigger hard hitters.  The reason they gave was that it was more efficient to send lots of small ships all over the galaxy than just a few large ships to cover a fraction of the ground…er..uh…space.  Sort of like a battlestar sending out raptors for recon, special ops, or just searching the galaxy.  Lots of little ships can cover a wider field than a few big ships.  Also, if you have to do what I like to call the Pegasus/Berserker maneuver (Ram the enemy weapons blazing, and eject ASAP if you can), it makes more sense to sacrifice a small ship than a big ship. Lots of smaller ships also would tend to keep the enemy from “getting lucky” and taking out a single centralized target…They’ll inevitably draw enemy fire away from the larger ships if they keep the enemy distracted by their attacks from various locations. I also like to think of them as Viking Longships supporting a bunch of Greco-Roman Trireme rams. All good Battlestar Galactica equivalents.  

    Good hunting to each of you! So say we all!



  • Basically,They Were Known As ' Escort Carriers ', Which Also Suits The Valkirie.

  • You know those smaller battlestars kinda remind me of the support carriers from ww2
  • I could not agree more! :o) JDF

  • OK. Judging By The Shape And Location, It Could Very Well Be An Antenna. Prefer The One Without.

  • Hey, Keith. Here's a link to a pic.  I know you're a fellow model builder, and both versions are available.  http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/122/valkyrieortho2to0.jpg/sr=1 

    Good hunting Spartan! So say we all!



  • Judging by the way ur describing could it b some sort of n external structural reinforcement ...i agree wit the cag i goota see a pic
  • Would You Happen To Have A Picture Of That? I Don't Recall Any Kind Of Apperatus.

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