Announcement to BFC members from CDF Admiralty

Fellow Colonial Warriors,

I am honored and privilege to address you all in the Battlestar Fan Club and Colonial Defense Forces. It is an amazing time for both communities as we enter into a mutual unification. A true confirmation and affirmation of both uniquely defined Battlestar Galactica Fandom Communities. We have all accomplished a great deal of achievements; made great strives not just as individuals, but as extraordinary communities.

We as a whole have come very far over the years. I am excited and very please to be in the presence of fellow BSG fans who love, honor and respect the visions of the new and original series. Together we are plotting a course into something new, an adventure with unity into uncharted space. It truly is an amazing time for everyone in the BFC and CDF here in the States as well as overseas.

It’s fantastic to see members from all over sharing love and passion of one show that has impacted in numerous ways. Each of has been lack of a better word infected by Battlestar Galactica. It has given drive, taken us back down memory lane as a young child watching original series. I am sure many of can recall just saying those three robotic words, “By your Command” I know your smiling this goes to you all we are more untied in several ways then we all lead on. I recall the first time the BFC and CDF leaders got together at a convention with one goal in mind to sign a “TREATY”

Yet here we find ourselves yet again. Clearly establishing and agreeing there is more to each of the communities which makes each one unique, appealing, eye catching, alluring, confident and clearly leading the way. While other BSG Fandom communities are good. We in our communities have excelled and set a higher standard then others ever will. As we continue to maintain and sustain performance with our own communities. Now we are at turning point where we are willing to become a more “Unified” force behind all things which signify Battlestar Galactica.

I can tell you all in the Battlestar Fan Club we like you have outstanding members. Who have a love of Battlestar Galactica and various Sci Fi genre in order to be more versatile. The Colonial Defense Forces is a melting pot of various Sci Fi interest. Like in BFC we love Ware House 13, Sanctuary, Star Gate everything and so much more. As I said I am honored and humble and look to the future as we all come together in order to spread Battlestar Galactica across the globe. As Commander Adama said in the original series, “Let the word go forth….” Be safe everyone and thank you for your attention. I look forward to working with you all as many if in the CDF also do.

FLTADM Johnathan Simmons(CF)
Commander, CDF

ADM Rivera, Miguel A.(CF)
Deputy Commander, CDF
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  • I salute you Admiral!

    Miguel Rivera is a true person of conviction whom I have the utmost confidence in....a truly nice guy & someone who is committed to the cause.

    Wonderful address Miguel!

  • Great fan clubs, great leadership, great members, and great things to come.
  • I am simply enthused about this unification!!! It has been a real honor and pleasure working with Adm. Rivera...a true gentleman and reflection of the honor and respect which was a common thread throughout the BSG universe!! I also have to give Paul Nix, Daniel Allen and a plethora of others here on the BFC a salute for their dedication, loyalty and hard work which, was a common thread throughout the BSG universe as well!!! I am excited to see how this unification grows and matures over the coming times.It has been a pleasure and honor to know each of you!!

    So say we all

    Chief Al Bartraw Battlestar Tigerclaw

  • I am STOCKED to find about this. I agree in the fact that although each group has it's own personality (very much in the same fashion as the survivor fleet was in the series) we are all part of the same fleet of survivors that are held together by the common center that Is Galactica. Our common love for the series, for the characters, the story but most of all, the friendship we, as fans, have developed with the actors that have joined the ranks of fans of the series themselves is something that, in itself is awe inspiring to say the least.


    Other franchises have developed this, I agree, but theres a special bond between the actors and the fans of the Galactica series, a sense of unity and brotherhood. Of humbly being a part of the whole experience that the show was for all of us, in and out of the screen, on our homes or the cockpit of a prop Viper, we are ALL a part of it and in the end we made it home.


    But still, as the series continually stated: "All of this has happened before and will happen again" we continue forward, we keep the memory and the spirit alive now stronger by unity and the common knowledge that we are all here, sharing lives and friendship... making friends, because of Battlestar Galactica.


    We wander, my friends. We wander ever forward.


    So say we all.



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