And now for something...funny

A while back...well, quite a while back actually...when Richard Hatch & the rest of us were busy pushing the idea of reviving Battlestar Galactica (which by the way was successful!)...there were many semi-starts, half-starts and sputters.

Everyone got bit by the idea, but there were competing visions.

Richard of course had his...Tom DeSanto & Bryan Singer had some bright ideas (and a very near miss back in 2001)...and Glen Larson himself explored the notion.

Of course as everyone knows, everything solidified behind Ron Moore...and now you have history!

At any rate, a bunch of ideas got thrown around...some good, some not so writer came up with the notion of "Walking Vipers"...really.

They thought the Walkers in "Empire Strikes Back" looked so cool...that they might work for BSG too.

Not such a good idea.

We thought it was SUCH a bad idea...circa 2000 or so...that we couldn't help but comment on it here at the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club.

Imagine if you will as you look on the image below, the immortal lines...

"You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in,
And you shake it all about,

You do the hokey pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about."


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