An additional plea for Japan

I know I am just one member but please consider making that donation to the Intl. Red Cross.

It's a little personal I guess. I used to live and work in Japan, for about a year and have never found more kind & generous people.

Once I was sick and needed to be in the hospital for around  3 weeks, my japanese is not so hot and the nurses didn't speak english. But those ladies went to the effort of buying and english dictionary and really made every effort to communicate with a kind of freaked out westerner who was really ill. There was no rude indications of: why doesn't she learn OUR language, which sadly many countries do to foriegners. The Japanese had great compassion.

 Compassion is COOL.

I hope you don't mind my little story. There may be others here who have also been to 'Nippon'. I am certain they love it too. Can you make even a small donation?

Thanks for indulging my blog.


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