Attention Colonials,
      The following mission is assigned to all Raven Squadron Leaders and Pilots. Mission parameters are simple and at times can be challenging base on the individual pilots. If you are up to having fun on different levels then step up to meet the challenge. Mission will be broken into different sections and your participation will go a long way into interacting and sharing with your fellow squadron mates.

      One of the key things in order to be a successful Colonial Warrior is being able to assess, improvise, adapt, overcome and continue moving forward. The worst thing that can happen to any pilot is being stagnate. Squadron Leaders are ultimately responsible to keep pilots engage. Whether it is role playing or another area of fun. The goal here is to acquire targets listed with a photo. Some targets will require you be in the photo. This way fellow Pilots can get a chance to meet one another visually while achieving the goals. You have two weeks in order to accomplish the mission parameters please share all photos on the Raven Airwing FB page as well as Battlestar Fan Club page in order for other members to see.

      Mission parameters will be listed below. Everything will be straight forward in order to ensure maximum participation. You will need your cell phone camera, Your mind, Your imagination and steadfast tenacity to engage to finish the mission. Now remember this will be for fun and if you want to invite family members to help you out excellent. Be prepared to travel around your City or Hometown and search / interact with other people if needed.

1- Find Main Street in your City and take of photo of said sign with city background.

2- Find your local Museum and take photo of the front ensure you are in the photo.

3- If you have a BSG item collectible or otherwise snap a photo.

4- Catch a picture of an aircraft flying overhead.

5- Draw a Colonial Viper TOS(The Original series) or Re-Imagined your choice. If you are a Raptor Pilot draw it. Perfection doesn’t matter here the goal to do the drawing.

6- The quote game. Save an image of your favorite BSG character TOS or Re-Imagined and add a quote they said on the show. For example an image of Adama and the quote, “Sometimes you have to roll a hard six”. Any character from the show post all images for fellow pilots to see.

7- Picture of a City Police or Police Car you must be in the photo. If you ask an Officer they don’t mind.

8- If you like Cosplaying wear it and share the photo.

9- Finally, to finish the mission. A photo of a light post at night. As pilots we all need to be reminded of a guiding light to get us home after every mission.

      You can post your mission accomplishments individually or as a whole if you get them done. If you do them one at a time please include the number that goes with each assignment when posting.

      As a reminder Squadron Leaders and fellow Pilots will be watching and checking Battlestar Raven Airwing FB page. The Link is here:: https://www.facebook.com/RavenAirWingBFC002Official/?tn-str=k*F

Let them all know you are strong and well taking on this simple mission show you conviction to making things happen. I know there are many that may not be able to participate, but I know those of you who will make a difference and carry their torches. Be safe everyone and look forward to see all of you making it happen. The mission parameters are simple and completely achievable the rest is up to you the individual. SO SAY WE ALL! and good luck.

FADM Rivera, M.A.(CF)

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  • Alright Colonials,

           I have completed my last tasking Mission #5 hand drawing a Colonial Viper. Yep i got a little carried away...L. As of right now all Mission Sorties have been completed. I know real life gets in the way and people are still working it. Mission Ends Monday the 30th of Sept. However stragglers are welcome to continue and share. Don't forget to post over on the Raven Air Wing FB as well.

    Colonial Viper Drawing::


  • Thank you Sir for posting your photos to share here as well.  Be safe and i appreciate you taking part in doing the missions.

  • 3631584476?profile=RESIZE_710x3631585014?profile=RESIZE_710x3631585548?profile=RESIZE_710x3631585934?profile=RESIZE_710x3631586588?profile=RESIZE_710x3631586735?profile=RESIZE_710x3631587405?profile=RESIZE_710x3631587817?profile=RESIZE_710x3631588163?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Colonials,  

                Be advised the CAG Michael Morelock has posted his completed missions as well.  I have posted on his FB page to please share here as well as the Raven Air Wing FB page.

                Also James LaValle has also completed missions and has posted on the Raven Air Wing and i asked him to share here as well.  Be safe folks and thank you for participating in the mission sortie!

  • Colonials,

               Several Pilots have step up to take on the challenge of the Mission Tasking.  Don;t be left out all simple and fun to be have just by going out and making it happen.  Don't forget to share your completed missions on the Raven Air Wing FB page as well.  I provided the link down below in a previous posting.

               I am also participating like many of you in the assigned mission.  Below are the pics of each of the missions i completed.  Be safe, have FUN! and remember to share your posting on the Raven Air Wing FB page.

    MISSIONS 1 Through 4


    Missions 6 Through 9


  • Sir,  Great photo of another mission completion.  Smooth job on the Colonial Viper drawing good on you!

  • Sir,  You have a great collection going there sweet.  When you have a moment please share your missions you have completed or when you have completed them over in the Battlestar Raven Air Wing FaceBook page as well so all members can share in your posting as well.  The link is posted below and thank you!

    Battlestar Raven Air Wing FB Page::


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