About The Imperious Leader

I must admit, the most intriguing character to me is the Imperious Leader.Such a mysterious, dark, tantilyzing character in the Battle Star Galactica anthology. From what I understand,he is a machine entity created by the Cylons in the image of the extinct Cylon race of reptilian creatures. Magnificent voice courtesy of Patrick McNee...such a melodic,hyptnotic, calming voice that commands attention, but leaves you unaware of the true evil that is it's source..used to give me goosebumps just listening...The voice of Satan?An apt parallel.I am curious as to the details of this character. His face,eyes, and hands are that of a reptile..rightfully so. The "hair" that has been called an "afro", but I think it is a ceremonial head dress or crown, much like the powdered wigs worn by 17th /18th century English royalty or present day English law makers.He sits upon his throne in kingly attire, but he holds something in his left hand..it looks to me to be a "pet'...a lizard like creature..and something that almost looks like a flower?I never could actually tell what it was.I would enjoy any discussion of the details of this character. Thanks, Ray

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  • I would have also been curiouse to see how they tied imperious Leader and Count Ibles having the same voice together. I know they must have had a background story in the works.

  • Hey, gang,I hope don't think I'm rambling,or posting too much, but I guess I'm caught up in the spirit of this forum. It is so good to express thoughts and opinions to others so well versed in the Battle Star Galactica series. The mention, discussion,catch phrases of BSG often confuse a lot of my contemporary peers,even in my age range.I remember once my supervisor(in a bad mood) ranting and giving me orders at work. Calmly I replied  "By your command".He had no clue of the origin of the statement, and chalked it up to sarcasm..(hmmm..maybe so!)

    Anyway, it's good to have an outlet for my thoughts regarding this epic sci-fi anthology that had such an impact on me as a youth.

    Thanks to this forum and its creators ,moderators, and members for allowing me to participate!



  • I sure wish there was spell check on here(lol)!

  • Thanks, Paul for the input. I agree that this was a character of unexplored potential. The costume,voice over and presentation of The Imperious Leader seemed to be so thought out and intricate..only to be a minor character hidden in the shadows.According to what I have read, Glen A Larson was so disappointed in the costume, he would not allow any close up camera shots.We only see details from publicity photos..such a waste of material.Even though it is widely believed that the character was a "puppet" because he was virtually motionless,except for an occasional head nod, the late actor/stuntman Dick Durock("SwampThing") was inside the outfit.The idea of using Patrick Macnee's voice(I do apologize for misspelling his name on my previous blog   ) rather than a monsterous or mechanical voice ,was an unexpected ,but interesting aspect. Perfect enunciation and dialect, the quality of a powerful leader.So sad that there was so much unexplored potential for a great television noveland it's characters,cut down ahead of it's time.  

    Later, Ray



  • There is a lot of mystery with this character. I feel that if we had been allowed another season or two more details would have come out. I wonder if the writers were even sure what direction they were going with him ?

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