A Journey Begins


Four Years ago today, A new Ship in the BFC Fleet began it's Journey.

In A Ceremony presided by A former CAG of the Battlestar Galactica, The Gunstar Trireme,GSR-0201 was launched with the Blessings of the Lords of Kobol.

Our job was as First Escort to the Flagship, The Battlestar Raven; Our Mandate: Defend the Raven and the Raven Battle Group.

In the 4 years since I have taken Command of the Trireme,This Ship and Crew have Performed admirably;We have added our Firepower to the Battlegroup,and showed our enemy that we are not to be taken lightly!

Of course,as of recent,the Real World does interfere with what we do here; I have had to change jobs twice in the last 4 months;However,fortunately,It has not interfered with my command;We are still representing in my homeport of Fayetteville;In particular, Fayetteville Comic Con,which will be graced by Jack 'Bojay' Stauffer this october;And, Lords of Kobol willing,we will have more BSG(TOS and RDM) Guests in the future.

I would like to sincerely thank those who have helped us get this far: First and foremost, My XO,Capt. Grace 'Bunny' Nonemaker,A first rate Toaster Scrapper,who has kept me honest through it all;Though she has gone through some life changes herself,she has never lost her enthusiasm for BSG;Thank you Bunny! Next, My TAC/OPS Officer, Lt. Mike 'Faceman' Ursiny,who has kept my weapons at the ready to deal with any Cylons who want to come within sniffing distance of the Battlegroup;Well Done,Faceman! My Chief Navigator,Lt.Jg Deane 'Longbow' Geiken,who has kept our celestial course straight and true in true BSG Fashion;Great Job,Longbow! My Chief Engineer, Ens. Jennifer 'Bobcat' Roberson,who has done an great job in keeping the Ship in perfect working order;Many thanks,Bobcat! My MARDET NCIOC,MSGT Brian 'Tusker' Allen,who has kept all 3 platoons of the 'Hoplites' ready to go; Semper Fi,Tusker! My lead Raptor Wrangler,Lt. Anthony 'Burger' Bunn,who has been ready to deploy the 'Gremlins' from day one;Keep 'em flying,Burger! Anybody else I didn't mention,you are VERY Appreciated indeed! Also, Alexander Falkenburg, the BFCs top Graphic Artist,who perfectly captured the moment above; Looking forward to more of your creations,Alexander! To FADM Miguel Rivera,C-in-C of the BFC Fleet,Who's continued Leadership and guidance has kept us on station and on target;Many Thanks,Admiral!

And finally,To RADM/BFC President 'Dragonlady' , who's continued enthusiasm for that Saga of A Star World we call BSG,Gave me the opportunity to Express my fandom ever since she appointed me CAG of the Battlestar Raven 7 years ago; Thank you for giving me the chance to shine! I Know that I have more in me,and I will give as much as I can,for as long as I can.


                                Commander K. A. 'Leonidas' Ranson

                                 Commanding, Gunstar Trireme,GSR-0201

                                  Raven Battle Group

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