A Heartfelt Thank You

Good Evening Ravens and Friends of Battlestar Raven,

I just wanted to take a moment to quickly thank my crew on the Raven especially my Command Staff, for taking care of the young lady for me while I was gone on a personal leave of absense due to losing the very person that raise me since I was a small child:  my grandmother!  It is never an easy thing losing a love one especially the very person that instilled in me my family oriented personality that I have.  Whatever family values I adhere to and who I am as a person in real life, is all because of my grandmother.  She was everything to me! 

And to my Ravens, you have really proven yourself that you have really come a long way as a group by sticking together in the absense of your Commanding Officer!  Not only have you come a long way, but you have also shown that you are more than just a Battlestar Chapter Group.  You have also shown that you are a Family of Friends!  It is the "Evolution" I was very happy to see happen from the distance!  For those that has been with the Raven from the very beginning since she was known as the Tiger Claw, you know what I am talking about what she was like and where she use to stand status wise as a group!

I would also like to thank all my Ravens, for the video salute you made for the Raven and dedicating it to me!  To my Interim Executive Officer on the Raven, Steve "Kreios" Tweed, thank you for putting the video together.  When I saw the final message at the end of the video, it help lifted my spirits so I can make the journey to pay my last respect to my grandmother!  I could not have ask for a better crew than the ones I have on the Raven!  The Year 2014 will INDEED be THE YEAR OF THE RAVEN as she is already off to such a great start by her "Evolution" to being more than just a Battlestar Chapter Group that her members can be proud off!

Kreios will remain in command of the Raven until I am ready to return to the helm!  I still have a few more things I need to catch up to and just want some time to myself!  But, I will be working behind the scene and watching out for the Raven and getting things lined up for her as fast as I can for her upcoming 3rd Year Chapter Anniversary in March!  I know one person on the Raven is dying to tell me stories about his Vipers not being returned to him without a scratch  ( Senior Chief Petty Officer Ronald "Cueball" Beaton) and just wants for me to listen to him scream and vent.  Until that time I return to the helm of the Raven, Chief Beaton, you can scream at Kreios in the meantime if you have a complaint about your Vipers LOL!  ;-) :-)



Battlestar Galactica Fanclub Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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  • Thank you all for all the support you have shown my Mom! Errrr, I mean the Commander! I know she greatly appreciates it. I know I do not speak for her but I know she will say the same.
  • So say we all!!!!!

  • You said it. So say we all.

  • So say we all, we are a family on the Raven. It's my pleasure to fill your seat and keep it warm for you until you're ready to return.
  • It's good to hear you're doing well after all you went through. We all look forward to you taking control of the Raven and leading us into battle!!!

    SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

  • As You Once said actual, We Are family;So Say we All!

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