Another favorate!


One of my favorite flight scenes of this episode is when Starbuck & Hot Dog fly like kids on patrol.

Apollo while on patrol as well but in a new viper breaks off and pursues Starbuck after she encounters that mystery Cylon Raider again. I have to admit, this clip does the new vipers some justice, looks hot!

I bet that mystery Cylon Raider is "Scar". If you know the story behind Scar, it kind of makes sense.

Starbuck, Hot Dog, and Apollo

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  • Agreed



  • There are realy un countless(do i say that right) scenes i remember that are good. For me it is hard to pick 1 or 2. Thats how good i find the ''show''..


    Be carefull,   scare hates you as much as you hate him..................

  • haha, yeah. :D
    • LOL. Tigh, that stud got an early start with one of the Cylon sixes remember?
  • I know that scene. One of my favorites allways has been the scene, where Adma, Tigh, Apollo are standing there and discussing how best taking care of the civilian fleet and making mostly military suggestions, when Adama says "We should start having babies" and Tigh turns around with that WTF Face "was that an order?".


    God i love that scene.

  • Good one.
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