Part 3 Mission Long Shot
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
“Blackstar Lead to Raven, Yep, They're There, Big As Life!"
Tigers get rearmed and refueled and prepare to launch when ready.....
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
"Hammer Lead Launching!
Sergeant of the Guard, all MARDET, say again, all MARDET, stand two,
- Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto
Roger that I guess that round will have to wait
I need to find a spare Viper or something.....
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
We didn’t read them cuz they were offline we must have triggered a fail safe
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
"Hammer Section Three, Clear, And In Position"
Reamer finds an unmanned Attack Raptor.....
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Lucky its only 2 i count 20 in this system but these r the only 1's that r HOT
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
CAG To Tac, Suggest You Have The Raven's Guns Do Some Talking!
El Cid......jump in the back seat.....we're going to get even right now......Yes Sir Capt, I'm right behind you Sir......
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
CAG; TAC a step ahead of u for once
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
"Storm Breaker....Have One Lined Up..."
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
FLIGHT; TAC; Ur looking for 2 gun star sized rocks with a bad attitude
Armory, unlock pre-positioned reload bunkers in sections shown for ALL Teams.
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
(CAG Arrives In CIC)
Hit those suckers hard and if need be I'm launching to get me some more......
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
The layout is wut our gunstars based on
I'll show them!!!
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
CAG To 99 Hammers, Wax The One On The Right, Raven Will Take Care Of The One On Left, Copy
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
They’re CHAFFING our systems
MARDET Teams away from ammo bunkers redistribute ammo loads among shooters and send runners for reload.
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Actual, Suggest We Launch Nukes
Reamer launches Raptor 333...
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
" Not Yet, Leonidas"
El Cid gets a target lock on them......
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
I have the key need a comm codw
I got it Capt....
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Target locked Capt.......
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
"Prepare Ship To Ship Missiles"
MARDET: Priority to Damage Control Teams, all DCT ammo distribute to shooters.
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Nothing like a little over kill I always say!!!!!
- What a Fireworks show Capt.....
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Great shooting El Cid.....
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
"Match Bearings On Left Platform And Fire!"
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
They hit us with all that CHAF the systems went haywire
Turning to Port lock on target and launch all remaining missiles El Cid.....
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Missiles away.....Capt.....
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Roger That! Prepare To Move On Second Target!
Eat led suckers.....that's for my MK-II.....
MARDET Teams Alpha and Bravo report to you Raptors, stand to for possible Boarding Party.
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Oh no with all that CHAF we have a problem
- unidentified ship moving fast to our location
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Reamer to MARDET, My missiles are gone, but we have plenty of ammo for our cannons to cover you guys.....over.....
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
CAG To Shooters, Launch Spartan Sections Two And Three To Intercept!
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Its ID'ing as a Baseship but i don’t recognize the type
I wish this Raptor handled more like a Viper....It feels a bit heavy......
CAG, have a Boarding Team in 350, 318, 325 and 327 ready to launch on your call.
I sure do like the extra weapons though!!!!!
- Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto
Multiple firing of guns
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
“Oh Crap, Are You Kidding Me?" "WHAT?" It's A Frakking Turkey, With Extra Guns!" "SPARTAN SECTION SEVEN! KILL IT!"
Keep it tight Tigers, there's more firepower and safety in a close knit squadron.....
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
It’s too small for a command’s a recon base ship
- Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto
The more toasters that you can take out Captain
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Hammer Six Disable New Contact!
- "Roger That!"
- ( Explosion)
- "Hammer Lead To Raven, Small Base Star Drifting, What Are Your Orders?"
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
ned ship to ship guns and a wing of raiders...task oriented this may range from light interceptors to 2 count them to troop drop ships
I got some Raiders jumping in on Dradis Capt.....12 O'clock ever Sir.....
- OK Tiger's let them have it........
- Reamer opens up with his two Gatling guns.....
- Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto
Ready to recycle some toasters sir
Yeah, that's some firepower........
CIC & CAG: CAG, have a Boarding Team in 350, 318, 325 and 327 ready to launch on your call.
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
CAG To Shooters, Launch 99 Minotaur’s To Escort MARDET; CAG To MARDET, You Are To Board Base Star And Find What You Can, But Don't Stay Too Long!
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
TAC; TO ALL BATTERIES prepare for broadside the BASE is ours
Raptors launching
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
We’ll shake em n bake em to get u on
- 11:14 PM
- Paul "Iceworm" Oakley
Alpha and Bravo, far side mid-deck air lock penetration, 350 first then all in echelon. Breaching in....3...2.....1.....Mag Lock.
Raiders disintegrating.....metal blasting as the toasters explode.
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Forward batteries take out those comm towers… She’s not calling for help
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Hammer Lead, Raven Guns Will Take Out Other Platform; Line Your Weapons On Small Base Star, And Stand By, Copy? “Roger CAG, Standing By"
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Passing broadside on that platform FIRE FIRE FIRE
Tigers stay out of the Ravens firing solution.....
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
(Second Platform Disintergrates)
Watch for more Raiders jumping in.....
Alpha & Bravo aboard, you made a mess of this ship. Heavy damage but still air tight. Near a CIC and moving...
- FLASH: engaged with small toaster team, damaged and discounted.
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
WELL we hit it and she won’t fire again that rock is dead
There are a couple Raiders trying to escape.....
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
They jumped away.....
Air leaks now, getting out, we're still in a big piece of Cylon junk.
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
"Spartan Two to CAG, We've Cleared Them out over Here, Standing By"
Suckers, we'll get you next time.....
- Anymore Raiders on Dradis......
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
let em go they cant make it far they were interceptors they’ll burn out b4 they get to far
MARDET clear of enemy craft, or what's left of it, inbound.
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
CAG To Flight, Escort MARDET Back To Ship; 99 Hammers, Arm Weapons And Stand By
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
One drop is headed planet side it slipped the net whose left on DC
Have a few trinkets for the engineers to stay up nights over.... 4 R's on final.
OK Tigers lets head back to the Raven for that drink….
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
CAG To Hammers, Crush Small Base Star "Roger That!"
Thanks for the escort, we're in the nest.
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
(Missiles Firing, Small BS Explodes)
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Sending a present to that drop on the surface arm heavy ship to ship missile
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Good Job, Hammers, Return To Raven!
Reamer lands the Raptor and checks on his squadron.
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
CAG To Flight Deck, Prepare To Land Birds, Then Launch Perseus CAP As Soon As They Are Ready!
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Launch in 3...2...1...they will never report wut we have here
Great work, everyone accounted for? Roger that Capt, we all made it back.
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Been dealt with CAG
All MARDET accounted for, not a scratch, you had those Toasters shaken AND stirred by the time we got there.
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Oh, Yeah, It’s Never Easy With Toasters!
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Look planet side there’s a crater where there ship landed
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
That Had To Hurt!
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Well had to send them to there god express
- Ens. Maryann "Stargazer" Barto
Roger that Captain, back safe and sound
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Whew! Now, I Think It's Time For That Shower, The Report, And To The Lounge! (CAG Leaves CIC)
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
FLIGHT; RAVEN; the roost is clear cmon home
Let’s get that drink before anything else happens!!!!!
We deposited some of that ammo we picked up back to its original intended destinations.
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Better late than never
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
(Cag Arrives Flight Deck) OK, Folks! Let's Get This Mess Secured, Before They Want Another Round! Move!
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
(Red Dog Hands CAG Clipborad) "All Spartans Accounted For, Sir; Just Some Scratches" Good, Because We Don't Have To Worry About Spares For A While! ":Roger That, Sir!"
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
OKAY FOLKS! The Sooner You Get Decon Done, The Sooner We Can Start Drinking!
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
We need to mark this and come back I saw some old hulls we mite use for parts
Sergeant of the Guard, NCOIC here: Stand down the next watch until their scheduled tour starts, have following watch do re-fit re-arm for all, then stand down by thirds.
- Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson
Meet You Guys In The Lounge; Gotta Make That Report.
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
Maybe some x-engines for better smoother n longer jumps
- Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez
I hate’s some coffee Col.
Will be in my bunk with my boots on if anyone wants me.