On the road again...

Greetings Colonials!

Welcome to our members & hello everyone!

As always a busy week in the Galactica universe...just a reminder to all that our Rockethub crowdfunder  is almost coming to a close, with one of the levels already sold out, with less than two weeks to go.

This is a great way to get involved & be a real part of the event, help fund cool extra's & get some really neat stuff...and be a part of history, YOUR name will go down in the book...LITERALLY!

Yup, your name will go into the program book amongst all the other hallowed names of fundraising supporters...and you can do it for as little as ten bucks!

So sign up today for Galacticon IV: Resurrection and be a real part of the show!

Matter of fact, Tiddles the Galacticat had this to say when I told her that some people didn't know about the campaign...


Well, you can see the look of amazement!

Speaking of G4...did you guys know that we just made a recent guest announcement?

Joining Claudia Christian we proudly added both Kate Vernon (Ellen Tigh) & Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh) to the mix...both Claudia & Kate are two of the nicest, most gracious & fan friendly ladies out there...& Michael is pure fun...he is well known for his jokes & storytelling...lot's of fun!


Now, you will notice the title of this little note says "On the road again"...and while I could be referencing Willie Nelson...actually I'm talking about myself.

The Fan Club is not only an online "thing"...we get out there and meet people at various Cons and events.

Next week I will be in Austin Texas and I would like to invite all of you in the area to join me for dinner on Wednesday January 29th!

So if you live in the Austin area and would like to join in, please drop me a note either at my page: http://battlestarfanclub.com/profile/ShawnODonnell or directly email me at shawn@galacticon.org

The location & time is yet to be determined but we will get that figured out (with your input) in short order (little pun)....but we will determine time, place & of course budget in the process.

Let's make in convenient and affordable for everyone...we can talk Batttlestar, we can talk Galacticon IV or we can just share some stories...check this out:


Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Of course this would not be complete without the Hero of Battlestar Galactica!

So allow me to get on with that...

This actor has appeared in a number of features including Smallville & The Eye among many others & is also an accomplished DJ in his native Canada.

With appearances in both Caprica as Pann and Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome as Armin "Hightop" Diaz..l we salute Zak Santiago!


So Say We All!

Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


Visit Battlestar Fanclub at: http://battlestarfanclub.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

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