Battlestar Galactica

Hello Colonials!

Again, a chance for me to bend some ears for at least a few moments (or at least divert some eyes!)...anyway...quite a bit to go over in a few paragraphs, so I will get on with it.

First of all, welcome to the new members of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club & a thanks to all of you for being a part of our ever growing family.

Speaking of family there are a few things I must share with you all...Sophie LaPorte, an old and great friend of mine is in the midst of some very serious health issues right now & of course concurrent financial issues as well.

 Let me begin by saying that Sophie really was my very first contact in the show biz the time she was Richard Hatch's agent (and we are going back a number of years) so I will have to say that without her, well...a lot of things that have transpired in the BSG universe might not have happened.

Having said that, I am but one person & I get a lot of plaudits from people but I am truly a modest person, I tend to downplay my "effect" on things BSG, but enough of a realist to know that I have played a role in the stream of things.

Again, without Sophie those things would not have happened.

I have two emails I want to share that came from Mike, Sophie's boyfriend...typing because she has been physically unable.

Mike here, typing for Sophie. She had another stroke yesterday morning and so far has been unable to move her left side at all. I hope it is temporary... She has finally regained access to her email, of course, now that she's not well enough to type... The computer had crashed and I now finally working again, but not the keyboard! Sophie explained to me how to use the virtual keyboard that comes with Windows but it is NOT practical... She also couldn't access email on the cell either... Long story... I wanted to give you an update. She made it until the 1st thanks to the couple of people who decided to help her out. The, she sold  $6,000 fur for $600 and that pad for her treatments until now. The consulate promised to have all her papers for her by early Aug, so after that, she should have no more problems as she will be able to go to any pharmacy instead of being restricted to only 1, and only when the pharmacist she knows is there. When she went to pick up her meds almost 2 weeks ago, she was told not only that they hadn't gotten any delivered, but that there were 4 people in front of her! She's been really down because of it, and that's very unusual for her who is always so positive... So now, the key is to make it for the next 2 weeks and she is out of trouble...
So essentially you have it there...basically Sophie is doing investment pre-sales for her blog which will generate revenue through advertising...she has a broad history working in Hollywood, not only moving in the circles with Star Trek and the producers there but of course with Battlestar Galactica...not only that but she is also offering her own jewelry line here:
Nuuhiva Designs & something else I would like to draw your attention to as well: Pay If Forward so any help that you can provide is appreciated. Please contact Mike & Sophie at:
Of course some of you do recall Sophie, may know her as a matter of fact...but if you do have questions still...two old associates of mine I do think will be more than willing to say good things about being Richard Hatch (Captain Apollo/Tom Zarek) & Jack Stauffer (Lt. Bojay)...both of these gentlemen will tell you good things about her & will agree that she is in serious circumstances...I'm sure neither would mind a reference (you can contact both on the Fan Club site or Facebook).
Speaking of RIchard Hatch, with ComicCon San Diego coming to a close I hope that a goodly chunk of you were able to see Richard at the Con & attend his panels.
I have gotten word that both Noah Hathaway was there along with Bear McCreary...both posting from the Con itself as well as Edward James Olmos.
For those who have been asking THE there going to be a Galacticon IV?
The answer is a resounding yes!
We will be making a formal announcement soon, so bear with us on that detail.
Last but not least, it is of course time for the Hero award.
He is a versatile British born Canadian actor who though acting in many roles...he holds a famous (or infamous) place in every Battlestar Galactica Fan's heart...that of Leoben Conoy is the re-imagined series...the award goes out to Callum Keith Rennie!
So Say We All!
Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club
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